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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Shadow and Ice.
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Lunna Dea is offline
Old 02-17-2014, 04:29 AM

leading Nero through the cloud Vindr lead them down a slope of air that lead to the back of a coffee shop not far from Nero's home. "I will send you a crane tomorrow to tell you where to meet ok?" giving him another quick hug Vinder did a few quick flips into the air each time landing higher and higher until he was high enough to be able to do a flat run acrossed the city to his own home.
"yes?" Spike turned from the desk to see who was knocking on her door. she thought that it was Scarlet wanting to talk some more but it could have been one of Tiny's tiny, though she hoped not at this time. they always made her feel upset and jealous about her picking Marco.
"we should stay here tonight," Tiny's voice sounded sad and about ready to cry. "we could watch a movie or play a game, I have a few games here." she looked up at him trying to keep the sadness from her face as she forced a smile.