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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Shadow and Ice.
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Old 02-17-2014, 10:19 AM

cursing himself Sam allowed himself to be pulled forward into the other mans embrace. he should have been paying better attention to the other mans actions not just his face. Yet he had wanted to see the comfort that his words might bring to the young song bird. sighing he closed his eyes and let the other man take comfort from holding him. "I warned you, I.." his voice caught in his throat, he wanted to tell him yet that would also create another risk. If he woke and realized that his dream was really an assassin and he had told him to kill the man that had hurt him. What trouble would he cause Sam then, what damage could he cause him. "I am your Angel, your protector." there no one would believe a performer if he said the Angel killed for him,as long as he did not use a lasso to kill the man. Sam breath in the sent of Amory as he held his body from crushing him. Sam was so much more muscle then poor Amory that he would have squished him if he allowed him to pull him down fully. "I am sorry I was not there to protect you before but I am here now." bracing himself on the couch he reached up and gently brushed a few hairs out of Amory's face. "I will always be here."

as Amory agreed to have Don Giuseppe gone Sam's heart soared. now he had the way out of the contract that should not be refuted by the higher ups. yes he may have skirted a few lines in getting it but he got a hire from the songbird below him. "You have my word he will never be seen by you again. his last day in this city is tonight, I will see to it personal." his voice was that of a killer as he spoke. all feeling within him frozen as he pulled out of Amory arms. "I will return when the job is done." standing he walked to the window and slipped out, forgetting his knife on his way. shutting it behind him he thought of all the different ways to get at the Don and quickly. "I don't know what you did to him Giuseppe but now the Devil's Debt comes dew." cold unfeeling he walked into the darkness that was his playground.

Hours later he sat down next to the small creek that fed quickly into the river, the last bit of the Don already lost in the larger river. leaning back he wrapped his arms around himself clasping his shoulders his face to the near dawn sky. the rain washed the last of the blood from his simple white undershirt, his button up long gone in pieces down the river. the weight of what seemed like years washed from his shoulders with the rain. soon the newise's would get wind of another gang land murder but that the body was missing. Fingers would be pointed, his body guards would be killed by the next Don to take his place, probably some one New York sent in to take the spot. it did not matter to him, he had done his job and the man he was hired to kill was dead. the Don's car would be found miles from here have way in the other river, the cops would think the killer fled that way. far away from his song birds flat, yet not so far away to throw suspicion on him. not that any one would think about that little song bird getting past his body guards and killing the Don in the bloody attack the room reviled. Sam had enjoyed that part much more then he would have thought he would.

He had first crushed his windpipe and then went on from there making as much of a mess with as little damage to the man as he could. pain was acceptable but he did not want the man to die on him before it was his time. in the end he could see the Don's wish for death plain as he could see his nose. and in the end he had given it to him, but not in the house. oh no he had lead the man deep into the woods around his house, each step sending pain through out the don's body. then had come the easy part, the kill. He had picked out the perfect killing grounds for this, something the Don himself had built to make people fear him. Hidden in those back woods was a set of stones standing tall around a metal circle that gleamed in the light. it was there that he head was left, there in the center of a rite that never would be finished.

getting up he found his way back to the fire escape outside of Anory window. Sleep was calling him but he wanted to be there to see Anory's reaction when he got the news of his old Don's demise. With what all he had found in the house he did not think that Amory had not suffered at that mans hands. Which made it all that sweeter to return the pain before death, and he had told the don before he had died who had taken out the hit on him. Oh yes he had told him in clear detail that Amory wanted him off the face of the earth, gone from all of humanity. how he would never again touch that sweet, soft, tender skin of his, enjoy those sweet mucky kisses that he wanted so much. As he recalled all of what he had done and how he had felt sleep slowly and gently wrapped her arms around him and drew him under. His body flopped over onto the stairs, his legs halfway tucked up towards his chest as his arms lay acrossed his legs. the black jacket pulled tight around him hiding all his weapons and keeping the cold from taking him from this world.
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