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Lunna Dea
Lady of Niflheim, Mistress of Shadow and Ice.
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Lunna Dea is offline
Old 02-17-2014, 10:02 PM

The sound of the radio woke Sam as he tried to remember what had happened the night before. his body was stiff and sore in so many places yet... then the whole of the night before came flooding back. the fear and anger at the Don, the twisting of Amory to get him to agree to the death of the Don. then how he had killed the man and made sure that questions were asked about what he loved to do to those he had working for him. leaning forward he looked for Amory, not finding him Sam moved to another window. this one a bit passed the fire escape opened to his bedroom, Sam smiled. the song bird had taken a bath and now was in the middle of pulling out some new clothes. he smiled as he leaned on the fire escape rail watching this beautiful man from the corner of his eye. he may not have been muscled as Sam or Fate had been but he did look good. Sam's heart fluttered without him realizing why.

then the announcer broadcasted the new of the day, not sparing any gruesome detail that he had gotten for the Newises. Blood and sex were their stock and trade and Sam had left them a good one this time. The headlines would sell the papers today, more then the young boys would. people would want to know what had happened and who had done it. Yet Sam was not interested in the others reactions to his gift he wanted to see Amory's. worry creased his brows as Amory sat down quickly, fear that he had just broken his song birds heart. last night he had seemed like he needed the freeing but in the light of day Sam now wondered if he truly had done the right thing. He could have staged the death of the song bird, taken him to another state and set him up in a simple house where all he had to ever do was be happy. But he had not thought of that last night. nervously he reached into his jacket and pulled out a smoke and lit it would any real thought of what he was doing. taking a few drags he wished that he could be the arms that held Amory, comforting him. then a sigh of relief as Amory seemed to realize and accept what had happened as good. the young man pulled on the rest of his clothes, reminding Sam that if he was going to watch this man he was going to have to find a way to be near him, and if he were to do that he needed to change to.

moving back to his seat on the stairs he watched as Amory went about his day, getting ready for work. Sam's gut reminded him that he had not eaten in over 12 hours. He never ate before jobs and this one had been longer then he had expected. slipping down the escape before Amory left for the day he went to a nearby luncheonettes along the way to Amory's work. He could watch from here and make sure that no one bothered Amory when he did head out. Content with this he ordered breakfast and sat in a booth that a fine view of the window to the street but was not easily seen from the street. smiling at the waitress but keeping his eyes low he orders an egg sandwich and a coffee. she promptly brought him the coffee and moments later brought him the sandwich. handing a bill over he told her to keep the change and not come back. smiling at such a big tip she walked away, there was no way she was going to complain when she had mouths to feed.