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Elias Martel
Elias Martel is offline
Old 02-19-2014, 02:47 AM

Originally Posted by Queen_Andais View Post
Not typically, but it felt like a good day to be nekkid.

Pleasure meeting you by the way. I am Queen Andais, you can call me any variation of that name.

How are you this fine evening?
That I can do.

I'm quite well. I finally had a chance to see the fabled Sunset Cliffs, and I am honestly humbled by the experience. I trust rhe day has treated you well, Queen?

Originally Posted by Ivvy View Post
Elias Mrs Queen likes to walk on the wild side often so her attire changes all the time even to bouts of nakedness.

And Of course I would think to invite you. I want to show hospitality to those who are new to the island. We are like a big family here. Everyone knows everyone else and we look after each other. What would you care to drink? I have tea sweet and unsweet, coffee, mascoto wine, and several soda pop types.
A lovely sentiment that. I wish it were so where I come from. Unfortunately, there are far too many people crammed into a paltry few square miles for there to be much focus on feelings of warmth, welcome, and community. And I'll have a glass of Moscato, if you please.