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Graxdon1 is offline
Old 02-24-2014, 05:07 AM

((Just post in here OOC, but put double parentheses around to differentiate, and again, I'm super sorry, but here's a post!))

05:50 on Domestic Level 19, home to The Den, the Canis equivalent of a Chinatown, there was a rather nice bar that catered solely to Canis and humans of the Republic called the Bandolier, known for making veterans feel welcome. There was laughter, drinking, gambling, and various games as soldiers shared their war stories... but it was interrupted by a Curious walking in, though it was moving strangely. Strange whimper-like sounds came out of it and it moved twitchily, as if it were trying to not move while still moving. As it entered, a nearby patron frowned, getting up and saying, "Hey, robot! We don't like this your kind around, alright? Too much expla-" He was interrupted by the Curious looking up, saying, "P-please... I... I don't... want to do this... I-I... I don't want to know... I don't want to know what happens next! P-please... RUN!" With an electronic cry, it doubled over and began to change, the patrons near it backing up, several recognizing the sight of a bomb rising out of the Curious. No one got to do much of anything before it became an issue beyond them.

Freja groaned as she heard her com link begin to ring. A useful as the com mod was, she couldn't just smack the phone to shut it up since, well, it was in her ear. Sitting up, her fur and hair a mess, she tapped the com, mumbling something that vaguely sounded like, "Hello?" Immediately, her publicist started yelling, "Baldur, by all that is holy, tell me you're at the Den already?!" Ears flattening and wincing, she adjusted the volume, her voice more legible as she asked, "No, I was asleep? Why, what's up?" Her eyes widened as he spoke.

15 minutes later, and she was running towards the scene of the bomb blast that had reduced the Bandolier and everything within four blocks to rubble, ash, and fire. Luckily, they weren't close to a bulkhead, otherwise it may have breached. Tuna was floating behind her as she hastily pulled her hair into a ponytail while putting her press badge on, eager to get in and on the ground floor of the first terrorist attack on an IGA vessel.