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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is online now
Old 02-25-2014, 12:12 PM

[Blaine. do you see that construction site there on your left? I will meet you there. Do not speed up or slow down just turn in as if you heard something as you go to pass it.] She continued on her path and then suddenly briefly paused as if she heard something and changed direction into the construction site. She looked around the place at the place where the new building was to be. It looked dangerous to someone who didn’t know better, but she knew better, it didn’t just LOOK dangerous it WAS dangerous. She closed her eyes and waited for the sound of the heavy footfalls that were sure to soon follow.

[Move to beside me and kneel facing the entrance.] At first she found this response rather odd, but then he explained further so she went with the flow, she walked towards Vincent, her employer and now friend, and knelt beside him as if he were her captor and master. She didn’t say anything; she simply knelt there in a move of respect and what in the giant’s eyes submission. If it was needed to happen, she didn’t mind right at this very moment.

The giant watched as the woman entered the construction site and thought to himself, so the game begins. He waited for a few moments before entering the construction site after her. As they entered the construction site the woman paused and then walked over to the vampire prince and knelt before him. So then he had been correct in his assumptions, she was his human. He looked over to the dark spot where the vampire stood. He smiled a rather wolfishly dog like move and decided to tip his hand just a bit, catch the other off guard.

“So then Vampire,” his voice had a gruffness about it, a deep almost growl like quality mixed with the accent of something distinctly foreign, Vincent might distinguish its origins but no one in the modern world would be able to. “Has our game finally begun? I know you’ve been trailing me, I could smell you.”