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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 02-25-2014, 11:36 PM

"You'd never hurt me," Akai replied with a grin, kissing the man passionately. It had felt like years since they were last together, and they made love all night long, until Akai was far too tired to continue. He couldn't stop smiling and telling Connor that he loved him, even when he drifted off to sleep.


A few weeks had passed and Akai and his parents had thought long and hard about the offer Connor and his parents had made. Even though they hated to feel like a charity case, the decided to agree, for the sake of Akai feeling like a normal person again. He was set for surgery within that month, and was finally allowed out of the hospital, being pushed in a wheelchair by his mother or Connor.

It felt strange being back in a normal city, after days of shooting and seeing people die. Akai felt as though he didn't deserve the kindness he was receiving from people, and every night he had nightmares of the faceless men he had slaughtered. The day of his surgery, he was feeling extremely nervous. What if the legs and arm didn't feel real enough? What if something went wrong? He didn't think he could ever feel normal again. At least Connor was at his side and reassuring him that no matter what, he'd still love him. Akai proposed to him, just as they put him under. He was asleep before he could hear the answer.