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Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 03-08-2014, 06:18 AM

Jade couldn't help but laugh when Brandon started checking his hair for actual grey hair strands. Jade stretched a bit and opened his book up, he hated learning about biology as he listened to the teacher speak about what they were going to learn and opened their books up to a random chapter like always. It was time to read allowed and he hoped he wouldn't be called upon this time. He wasn't sure if he should, but he knew he was going to talk about her later anyways, so what was the point on hiding something everyone knew about. Since the beginning in ancient times of the main countries, dating as far back as far most can think back to , and in the struggle to achieve mastery over the forces of nature, people have always turned to plants for help - for food - shelter - clothing - weapons - and healing. Plants provide all these and something more: an astounding display of energy in their growth and seasonal rebirth. No wonder then, that plants have been invested with magical powers. No wonder that many myths attribute to plants an intimate relationship with our daily lives and with our destinies. The teacher barely started talking and he was already zoning out remembering the scene from the terrace and the garden, the garden one showed him interest only because the plants didn't harm her or try to act defensive.

"Ooops, sorry" She smiled staying in her seat making a mental thought of no physical contact on people until she could get to know them better. Thinking for a moment about what the other said she rubbing face once, she didn't wear make up so there was no need to worry about that, "Ah, I'm confused, that's okay, I always am" Cornelia would seem like the type of girl who would laugh away her worries and anything she didn't like that happened. Calming herself down a bit to where she had a normal semi smile on her face "To be honest, I know things aren't simple, I just like to laugh them away. I don't like troubling myself over things that won't change. So I just try my best to have fun" she still looked like a kid, just quieter this way. Cornelia took out her doodle pad and started drawing chibis of herself and using magic, they were small and cute, but then she slid it away taking her cellphone out looking through her texts making it so the teacher wouldn't notice.

Last edited by Immy; 03-08-2014 at 06:32 AM..