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Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 03-10-2014, 09:39 PM

Brandon stared at the window as it began cracking. Jade's thoughts were already loud and clear, he knew something was coming. Brandon was already on his feet, rushing over to Jade. He turned on his heels sharply, skidding across the floor and placed his palm on Jade's chest.
Magic gathered in his palm, normally a technique like this was mixed with an element, and normally at this range it could cause serious damage, but he dialed the power back. The energy focused in his hand, creating a bubble of force that exploded, forcefully pushing the other boy back, away from the window.

He turned his hands backwards, spreading his arms and aiming his palms at the cracking window. He didn't have to hold back this time as he allowed energy to explode full force from his palms. The majority of the glass that tried to blow inwards was instead blown outwards. Although he stumbled forward as the opposing forces met. He'd covered jade and forced the glass outward, but there had been a blindspot.
The dark-haired boy stumbled forward as papers and books were blown out by the fierce winds. Brandon hit his hands and knees, but still manged to hold himself up, even though several shards of glass were now embedded in his back, pierced through his jacket, red could be seen welling up around the sudden wounds.

However Brandon didn't stay down for long, instead getting up to his feet and slinking towards Jade, grabbing him by the front of his shirt, an almost animalistic look in the dark-haired boys eyes,
"You're an idiot..!" He yelled, "Didn't anyone ever tell you not to stand by a window in a storm?!" He demanded, the other students in the room were almost too stunned to move, the girls were practically horrified, but Brandon was accustomed to pain, after all, he took pride in being the toughest guy in school,
"What are you all standing there staring for?! Get out of this room! It isn't safe!" He yelled at them, practically forcing them all to life, they started to vacate but Brandon stared at Jade again,
"You know.. This really hurts.. I don't think I can stand much longer.." He grinned sheepishly, although pain was written all over his face. His legs were threatening to give way, but he placed an arm over Jade's shoulder, "Lets get out of this stupid room.."

Lucianna was almost about to jump up and from a forcefield of aura, but instead, she was beaten to the punch by the cheerful blond using a quick combination of magic to stop, repel then seal the glass. If anyone was to simply look at the girl like a simple air-head, they would be mistaken, it took some skill to do something so complex and so quickly at their age.

As the other girl sat down, Lucianna stared out the window quietly, frowning softly,
"The sky is angry.. There is hate below our feet.. Something in the city has gone terribly wrong.." She uttered softly, closing her eyes and shaking her head, "I do not know where, everything just feels so wrong. But I fear this storm is the least of the troubles spreading through this city.." She added, leaning on her hand, the frown didn't leave. There was a saddened look on her face as she stared at the angered sky,
"I hate that feeling..."