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Winter Is Here...I think...

Immy is offline
Old 03-11-2014, 02:53 AM

Jade blinked for a moment, he was always bad when it came down to reacting to events, even if he could see them coming before hand; watching what Brandon had done he was grateful, but now his friend was in pain because of him. Shit. I need to find a healing mage and quick he thought to himself knowing he was never good at healing except whenever he had some sort of self harm against him self, that was the only time he healed anything.

Then he remembered The Garden standing up he took one of Brandon's arms over his shoulder and placed his free arm around his friend's waist. "Sorry, come on. We need to find Lucianna" if he was going to take Brandon to the garden, he sure as hell wasn't about to leave Lucianna behind as he kept Brandon's weight more on them hoping he wouldn't pass out on him or anything. The garden was down the hall from Lucianna's classroom which he knew where it was, luckily because he originally wanted that classroom, and the teacher wasn't a pain. Jade remembered a magic spell he could use and put his plan into action. Sending out his thoughts magically not sure if this would work or not as he headed straight for the garden as fast as he could, he sent his thoughts out to Lucianna The Garden, get there quickly he was quite worried about her.

~ ~ ~

Something in Cornelia made her wake up once she heard what Lucianna said and realized they shouldn't be in the classroom. "Everyone" she said standing up, her face a bit serious, "You have to get out of the classroom and away from all windows" when she realized they didn't move, she riled up her voice "Get moving. Go! And get any other students out of the other classrooms if you can" watching them pile out rather quickly, a few tripping over things or themselves, they all left. "Come on, we need to get out of here too" she wanted to know what was going on, but not till she found a group willing to go out, and figure it out with her. She could only do so much at her age and right now that last spell made her a bit light headed. "Come on Luci, let's get going" she held her hand out for Lucianna to take so they could leave the room together.