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bloodstainedwings is offline
Old 03-15-2014, 11:54 AM

Originally Posted by maidenroseheart View Post
You're welcome darling. So this is what it is like where you are? I'm jealous! I've not been to Canada since I was a wee little girl. If a person wanted to travel for scenic purposes, do you have suggestions?
well Canada is only like this very sporadically. its highly unpredictable in that sense. And I live in southern ontario and have very limited travel experience in my own country.. sad to say... but if your visiting Ontario, I know lots of nice places! The Elora Gorge, Niagara Falls (also great for peach picking which is an interesting and different thing to do) Tobermory (great for scuba diving and long walks). If you are into canoeing, Northern Ontario is great! Crystal clear lakes, pristine landscapes, cliffs that take your breath away. It looks almost exactly like the group of seven paintings. I loved it when I was there. There is hardly any people up there so it feels so untouched by man.