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Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 03-16-2014, 10:12 PM

After Billy's turn at the ball game, Evelin decided she could maybe give him a chance at being on good terms with her. Maybe he was only an ass hole around big groups of people, she hoped that was the case. The day then continued with team building games. The colorful girl found herself a main component on whatever team she was put on during the obsticle courses. Being small and extremely flexible and athletic, the others found that they could literally carry or throw her through the small obsticales and have her do the rest. On the log. They all decided it was best to leave her till last, where they then just passed her from guy to guy until she was at the end of the log and on her feet. It was a whole new concept to crowd serfing. When they were racing through the ropes though, that was the best part.

Billy and her had been up against each other, and the race was really close at that point. When they launched into the web of ropes, she found that they were tied up in speed until the small hole they had to get through. She wiggled through with ease and won, but he sat there and struggled for a good ten minutes. Laughing, she climbed back in and helped pull him out, while another gave his legs a good push. It was definitely the joke of the day. Though it was all very worth it. Things were just so fun suddenly. People were coming out of their shells and laughing.

When the tall rope courses were offered, Eve had been the first to jump at the challenge. It amazed her as she went through them, how the fire to live life to the fullest burned through her being again. It had been two years ago, when she was just a shell of a girl, praying for death, and giving up on life. No one there would ever believe it. With how bubbly and happy she was, it would be impossible to guess that she had been near dead.

The marshmallow roast was when she found time to sketch every camper there in her group, finding herself eating more of those sweets then she probably should have when Billy began to tell the story of magic and myth. Her eyes taking in everything as he spoke, her mind weaving the world he spoke of so easily, she felt so deeply connected to the beautiful story. It was like a trance breaking when it was over. Returning to her cabin, she found that Mikieli was her roommate, but she was fine with that as long as he didn't try anything silly. Passing out, she found sleep accepted her faster then it ever had before.

The next day, everyone seemed to feel off. She was suffering a lot that day, compared to some, she had illusions, and a huge migrain that seemed to be causing her to struggle to even move. Forced to go to bed early that night, she found that she could barely breathe with such a pain running through her body. It was like a knife of fire running through her body, and carving out her soul some. Or at least, that is what happened in her dream. Waking up, she lifted her head with ease surprisingly. Sighing in relief, she rubbed her eyes and stretched. Sighing she stood, and her eyes grew to the size of tennis balls as she looked around. To top it off, she was in her summer nightgown.

Thank god it wasn't see through and quite modest compared to what it could be. Deciding to not dwell on that, she moved to the door with Billy. Slipping around him, she stepped onto the soft grass, her bright hair in beautiful waves, for she hadn't straightened it before bed like she usually did. So her natural waves and curls were out to play. Running a hand through her colorful hair, she sighed heavily and turned back to Billy. He looked just as shocked and surprised as they all were. Taking in a breath, she looked out across the plains again and seemed to spot something glowing in the distance. Maybe water?

"I think theres water that way." she said, as she pointed in the direction of the slight reflection she saw. Looking back at the others, she bit her lip, and then sighed. "We should look around, maybe we can find someone and ask them where we are." she offered, trying to be brave and act like a leader a bit. If they all freaked out, like she was on the inside, they needed to move to keep themselves from worrying too much.