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Pixel Pixie

Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-18-2014, 08:59 PM

-Cora's Characters-

THE STRATEGIST -- Clearly the tactical genius of the crew. This is the person who comes up with all battle tactics and grasps everything down to the finest detail. You're not strong, but you know how to make your attacks mean something. Meticulous and careful, this hero is always a step ahead of everyone else.
THE ROMANTIC -- You're not here because you want to be here. You're here because you refuse to let that special someone in your life die. You've been protecting him/her since forever and you're not about to stop now. You'll die for him/her if you have to. Did I mention you're wicked strong when your beloved's life is in danger?

THE NOISY ARTIST -- There's no inside voice for you. You're always loud and you're always making a fuss. You're dramatic and emotional, but your spontaneity is your greatest strength. You're peppy and always ready for whatever lies ahead. Your reckless nature gets you in trouble, but it also makes magical things happen. You see life for what it's worth -- beauty. Everything about your, your mind and skills, are embedded in your creative mind. You're resourceful and fluid. Some might call you odd or weird -- and they are right. But it's that eccentric nature of yours that gives you gracefulness and victory.

THE HEAVENLY -- Hand-chosen by the heavens to bring about redemption, you're very in-tune with His Majesty's will and desire. You have a sixth sense, allowing you to see glimpses of the future. Although weak and often defenseless (the downsides of being blind), you bring much knowledge to the team. You're also the one who hand-picked your teammates.

Collin Farthsword
6-foot, 2-inches
Normally Black hair with Vivid Blue eyes

Collin is the quiet one in the group. He doesn't say a whole lot, and when he does its often times short and to the point which makes him come across as rather short. He doesn't really know how to be anything other then completely blunt about what he's thinking which doesn't often win him alot of friends. He's extremely intelligent, and can give even the smartest competition a run for there money.

fears, powers & items
ITEM -- Never a tie wearer before, now he never goes without. His tie was once his younger sister gabriella, his only family.
FEAR -- He has the ungodly fear of being wrong. He is never wrong, but has this fear that the world will end the day he is wrong about something. He is also, funny enough, terrified of bunny rabits and anything White and furry because they remind him of gabriella.
POWER -- Collins power is hightened intuition. He is always able to see three moves ahead. He knows that if you move to the left one foot, the person next to you will die. He is able to predict the chain of events that set's one thing into motion, the pencil falls so a woman gets killed.
AWAKENING TRANSFORMATION -- Before Collin can use his power he reaches a hand towards the sky to draw in the light which runs down from his fingers and and down his arm until he is entirely encased in a blanket of light. When the light disapates his mind has been enlightened and so has his hair. Once black hair is now stark white, and he now wears the gear of a shining knight.

Life for Collin and Gabriella was never easy, not even from the beginning. They where born into a poor mans life, but their parents tried to make the most of everything they had, even if it wasn't much. However, when Collin was just 12 years there parents died, leaving Collin and Gabriella to fend for themselves.

In the beginning collin made the most of things, learning how to beg, and do odd jobs of people just to keep himself and gabriella fed. It worked for a while and eventually Collin was able to secure a part time job while Gabriella kept there less then perfect home. It wasn't perfect but at least they had each other, and for them it was enough.

One day there was a violent shooting outside of Collin and Gabriella's home and the two of them where caught in the crossfire. Collin doesn't remember all of what happened but when he woke up he was bleeding and alone in a dark alley and gabriella was no where to be found. A random tie had been wrapped around his hand though.


Arya Kalitburg
5-foot, 1-inch
Long Fire-y red hair, steel grey eyes

If Collin is the quiet and calculating type, then Arya is his complete opposite. She is a bright light in everyone though as she always sees the positive in a situation and is often the moment to smile even in the darkest of times. But being the every optimist does have its downsides too, she is reckless and always follows her heart. She’s the first one in a room to tell you what she thinks in a loud and rambunctious sort of way. She’s quick to make a decision but also quick to follow through on this decision as she rushes headlong into danger which often leads her into extreme danger.

fears, powers & items
ITEM – Her hair bow. Her hairbow is her best friend and secret loved one.
FEAR – She greatly fears losing people because she wasn’t quick enough to react. She feels like she lost the one person she held most dear to her because she wasn’t quick enough to save him. She also regrets that she never told him how she felt about him. Now she is both rash and honest about her feelings because she never wants this to happen again.
POWER -- She has a paintbrush that has the power to take anything she paints and make it a reality. Her paintbrush can create anything, alive or not, but more complex things take a good deal longer to paint fully functional so it is not really all that practical to paint creatures in the midst of battle.
AWAKENING TRANSFORMATION – Arya must use her paintbrush to paint herself into a cocoon. Once inside there is a moment’s pause before the cocoon bursts into a sea of rainbow colored butterflies revealing her to be a Lolita princess(Still her red hair and grey eyes though)

Arya was always a loner. Shy, awkward, and never knowing what to say to people, she grew up in the foster care system. As a child she was always alone, an awkward child who was shifted from one place to the next just trying to find the right place to call home. Unfortunately, Arya never was adopted into a good loving home, but at the age of 16 she left the foster care system to live her life on her own.

Full of ambition she continued to go to school but got herself a job on the side where she could be able to afford a cheap little apartment. She had one friend in all her childhood and even though they where both awkward kids they often times found themselves shuffled into the same households. When Arya moved out on her own Adam did as well. The two of them remained extremely close, to the point that they were hardly ever separated.

At the age of 17 she started to realize that what had always been extreme friendship of her best friend had now turned into love, but she never had the guts to tell him. The two of them got caught in an apartment fire at her home and Arya panicked, and had no idea how to react. The smoke overtook her. She passed out. Later she woke up in the ambulance with a beautiful black ribbon next to her. She always knew the ribbon was her lost love.


Kitalia Erenright
She’s unsure anymore, though she believes herself to be around 30.
5-foot, 6-inch
Long White hair and blank grey eyes.

Kitalia is distant. There is a soft, almost airy quality about her as if she was living on her own cloud far away from where her body is. She tends to not talk to the group anymore then she has to feeling like it’s probably best that she doesn’t get attached, or perhaps it’s just that people in general terrify her, or maybe she really has lost a piece of herself long ago. She tried to hand pick this group of people but regardless of her failure she does want them to succeed so she helps where she guides them through what she knows but she leaves most of the work to the leader and the strategist.

fears, powers & items
ITEM – The bell caller around her neck, though she’s been in this city of lost souls so long she has lost most of her life from before. She knows the collar is important, but she doesn’t remember why.
FEAR – Dying, she tried to hand pick a powerful team so that this time they might avoid dying. She also fears getting too close to people because she’s afraid to lose the ones she loves. If she loves no one, she can’t lose them.
POWER -- Clairvoyance, which she has no control over, images come to her of the future at random . She also has the power of divine prayer. If she falls to her knees and prays to her divine being then her wishes come true, but at a price. Her power saps from her very life force leaving her completely and utterly drained. If the prayer was strong enough it will cause her to faint for hours or even days.
AWAKENING TRANSFORMATION – Kitalia’s transformation comes through her falling to her knees in deep prayer. Giant wings made of pure white light wrap themselves around her in a gentle embrace that when it breaks reveals her to be a divine angel

Kitalia has been awaken to the kingdom of Vitex a very long time, constantly stuck in a loop of time repeating itself, she lost her first team to the lost. She remembers nothing but her days with her first team. Her real life was lost to her long ago.

She took to watching those not awakened after her first failed attempt at saving loved ones from the lost. She used her divine powers of wishing to try and awaken those that she felt would be most suited to her team. For the first time ever, fate intervened, and her powers failed. Her team isn’t what she would have picked, but still…..she tries to make do with what she’s given.


David Alexander
5-foot, 11-inch
Short greenish brown hair.

Who doesn’t love the one who can’t help but play the hero. He likes to call himself reckless with a cause. He’s usually level headed and cool except when someone he loves is in trouble, then all hell breaks loose. He loses his cool in the heat of fire and becomes brash and often reckless. He won’t wait around for the rest of the group to make a decision. He’s pissed and he wants the situation taken care of now Now NOW.
fears, powers & items
ITEM – He has a marble in his pocket which was once his father.
FEAR – Losing the person he loves most dearly. He’s also deathly afraid of snakes. Face him against the first and he grows stronger in the face of losing the one he loves. Pit him against a snake and he’ll scream like a little girl
POWER – Control over plant life.
AWAKENING TRANSFORMATION – David’s transformation entails thorny vines wrapping themselves entirely around him. Suddenly they dissipate into a sea of rose petals and he is wearing a Rogue Costume

David’s life is extraordinarily normal if truth be told. He was an only child raised by a single father who worked hard but was able to give David a fairly normal life. David loved his father dearly. The two of them were in a plan that crashed in the end. David is still not sure how he survived and his father died, but he would do anything to have him back.

Cora is also buying art, Please PM me!

Last edited by Cora; 03-19-2014 at 04:45 PM..