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Shadami is offline
Old 03-18-2014, 11:00 PM

Okay so wow... I haven't posted anything since just shortly after our anniversary? It's been kind of a crazy hectic, busy time!!
First Update: The house
I have been packing and cleaning something pretty much every single day. The downstairs bathroom is completely done, I washed down the walls and scrubbed the floors and cabinets even! It's been a couple weeks so I need to redo the sink and toilet. but that is just maintenance. So I'm pretty psyched about that. It's like walking into a shiny room even though there isn't really much reflective surfaces. It is incredibly bright now that I've taken dirt off the walls we didn't even know was there!!
The upstairs hallway has been completely emptied of boxes now. They've been gone through and what was to be kept packed up and stored in the storage room. And now I'm working on those walls as well. (that was a task from today actually!)

The apartment search is a process, but Mom may have found a place for us that is a rent to own home for 500!! I actually need to call her and see how it went.
This house may have a buyer, as does Mum and Dad's house. Pretty exciting things happening.

My Dad got the job out in Michigan!! It's going to be weird to not be in the same state as him.. but I'm so happy for him!

Lilliana can now roll from her back to her front, though very rarely. from her front to her back is a cinch though. She's starting to crawl-ish. It's mostly squirm in a circle or push slightly forward or backwards. And she just discovered her toes int he last couple days and they're just the best toy ever.

Mary of course is getting super big. She is using her signs alot more often, and is sort of forming words though we seem to have a back and forth wether she is progressing or regressing. Cause she knows the word, but now she just mouths it. *rolls eyes* i think she's just being a bum head.

Oh and I'm training a rotom party and have almost all the ribbons for them!!Going to take on the Elite four soon! WoHOO!!!