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Plagg, claws out!
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Xavirne is offline
Old 03-24-2014, 07:48 PM

Some of what Celestya was saying was getting through the Eren. Sure, there was a few holes in his mind, but for the most part everything was pretty straight forward. Her old team failed and a new one was selected. Everyone had gifts and those gifts granted powers. Oh, and one cannot forget that it was Celestya who summoned them all here, which explained why they weren't able to up and leave just yet. The poor summoner needed to regain her strength! Eren could really understand that for he too was exhausted. Actually, now would be the ideal time for everyone to rest and maybe play the 'get to know one another' game. But who was he to lead the group? He wasn't dubbed the leader. And boy was he glad he wasn't. Being the 'healer' was much easier, despite having little to no experience with such practices. Still, the vast majority of the pressure would be off his shoulders.

It was probably a few minutes in that it all started to click for Maeve. She wasn't the smartest of people, but she did come to things in a timely manner. Besides, what mattered most was her ability to lead. She was cheer captain all throughout high school and she often served as team lead on projects. Perhaps it was all those years of being a Girl Scout? Either way, she knew her stuff.

Pacing to and fro for a moment, Maeve put her foot down before looking up at 'her army.' With bright eyes and a smug grin on her face, the woman scoffed. "I don't know about the rest of you, but we are a sour sight for the eyes. We've no experience and, worse, we don't even know one another. Where do you all call home? What are your names? And, since it was mentioned, what gift was left behind for you?"

Maeve sat down crisscross-applesauce style and hoped the others would take a seat with her. Leaning forward some, the brunette brushed aside her chocolate locks. "I'm Maevelin Peche, but please call me Maeve. I come from Airendale and I'm twenty-two. As for my gift, I was left with this lovely feather." Hand touching the brim of her hat, she turned to her right. "You're up, handsome."

Eren, directly to Maeve's right gasped for a moment before turning his head away to blush. So embarrassing, he scolded himself for his bashful nature. "I'm Eren Johnson, twenty-six. I'm from Glennbrook." His hands smoothed over the cover of a book. Paging through its empty insides, he spun it around to show the group. "I was left this empty book," he said in a dishearten tone.

"Oh, oh, oh! Me, me! It's my turn." Jumping to her feet, the little girl bowed before sitting in Eren's lap. "My name is Shay McAther. I'm this many years old!" Holding up ten fingers, the girl giggled. "I'm from Wh-Wh-G-..." her lips twisted in an attempt to say a word.


"Yeah! That be the place. Wenbroke." Giving everyone a toothy grin, the girl skipped on over to the blue haired boy in the group. "Who be you!" she said while lightly poking his nose before fleeing back to Eren.

"I'm Cailean Jay Raziel, but my friends call me CJ. Too many Colin's out there and not enough CJs. My home is Cinder Village and I'm twenty three. My item is this deck of card." He held them up but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Shay pop back to her feet. Her butt, obviously, squishing into Eren's face.

"Oh no! I forgot my item." Leaning forward, she showed off her necklace. "Mama and GramGram left this behind for me. It's very pretty and very sp'efal to me." If she wasn't as cute as she was, some of them might have gotten annoyed with her cheeky antics. Thankfully, her slurred speech and giddy attitude seemed well-received, at least but some of them.

Eyes falling to the one next to CJ, Collin Farthsword, they waited to see who else was on the team. So far, everyone seemed decent, or so Maeve believed. She could handle this. Didn't hurt that there were to handsome fellows in this lot either.