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Pixel Pixie
Cora is offline
Old 03-25-2014, 07:03 PM

Collin watched as each of them made their introductions to the group. He knew he would reserve truthful judgment until the time that he knew them better, right now however he was finding himself quick to notice little quirks about each of them. Things that annoyed him, or things that he found interesting about each of them. Maeve, as she called herself, was the leader. She had taken charge so that was a good thing, she had an accent that was sort of nice as well.

The healer, Eren, and the Kid, Shay, appeared to know one another. At this point in time the healer appeared to be the Kids guardian. The child was already starting to get on Collin’s nerves just a hair, perhaps he was destined to deal with her but until she actually proved herself useful Collin really just found her fairly annoying. He looked to CJ next, interesting enough another Collin, but Collin couldn’t find much to say about the man yet, he was neither here nor there. It appeared that it was now Collin’s turn to introduce himself, at least everyone was looking at him to do so.

He said little, and didn’t choose to give too much away. Instead he gave only the information they had asked for and nothing more. “Collin Farthsword” he grunted a bit in a genial display that he was displeased at the current situation, “Twenty-One, From New Korna” he paused for a moment looking around at everyone around him, what a funny team they were, they too however seemed to have gifts so he wouldn’t sound crazy mentioning his, he lifted his tie with one hand, “My gift is this tie

Arya had been patiently waiting, or at least as patiently waiting as her busy body would allow, now however she could no longer contain herself. “My turn, My turn” she said with a bouncy air that was filled with excitement, almost like she thought they were going on a group picnic rather they headed into battle. She was waving her hand around in the air with shaky excitable movements. “My name is Arya Kalitburg, Eighteen years old! So don’t y’all be treating me like a kid now” she put on an extremely fake pout that made Collin raise an eyebrow, he was wrong, the little girl shay was a saint compared to this one.

I come from the Village of Dorth. My gift….well you see” he face went oddly dark for a moment as if she was thinking about some forbidden past, but then her face lit up again in amusement as she said quite loudly, “My gift is my song!” and then she proceeded to sing a popular pop song from a time long past, it would have been a song they all would have recognized, and she wasn’t a bad singer either. If times had been different, she may have been an entertainer. She leaned her head comically on Collin’s shoulder as if serenading him.

His face turned slightly red but then he quickly tried to hide this fact by growling and pushing the girl away so she giggled and bounded off a bit to serenade another male in the room, the healer, what had he called himself, Eren? Collin got a little angry at this, despite having pushed her away, and said quite loudly, “If you would tell us your gift so we can move on, we don’t have time for such non-sense

Arya looked serious once more, and then nodded at him, “I was only trying to lighten the mood, it’s so very gloomy in here. But you’re right, I apologize, I got a bit out of hand.” She took to carefully untying the Black ribbon that held up her unruly red hair. My gift is this ribbon; it’s from someone very special to me.” She looked over at the only two other people standing in the room, the heavenly leaning heavily on the romantic, “It’s you guys up

David looked at the group, “Just a moment” he said very suavely, he looked down at the heavenly who looked so pal and fragile and spoke softly, “If you’ll let me, I’m going to take you over to that pew over there, It’ll allow you time to rest while you talk to us, I don’t think you need to be standing

The heavenly nodded and with the help of David the two of them made it over to pew, at which point David turned back to the oddball group and spoke to them, “My turn yes” he said with a smile at them, “My name is David, I’m 21 years old and I’m from Pendlance, My gift” he took a moment to dig around in his pocket for the thing, when he finally found it he held it up for all of them to see “My gift is this here marble

At this point everyone was looking to the heavenly, she couldn’t see them but she knew they were looking to her, but it was only natural when introductions had gone around the room that it would now be her turn. She smiled vaguely, “I suppose that it is my turn at all this, My name is Kitalia, I haven't come from anywhere is a very long time, I am these days a wonderer." she neglected to leave out the part that she couldn't remember where she came from even, She thought for a moment, "My age is around the age of 30, give or take a year or so. For those who couldn't tell, I am blind, and have been so for a very long time." she said this as if it where merely a conversation starter over a cup of tea, "My gift, is my bell, its been with me since the last group"

She took a deep sigh, she wasn't getting any stronger, but at least she had to have strength to get them started before she collapsed entirely. She hated that she was forced to rely so much on others, it was a blessing and a curse. "Leader" her name eluded her for a moment, but then it came to her, "I think your name was Maeve, I would come to you, but really I'll be admitting of my own weakness, I couldn't walk to you in this state, I need lost souls, but this comes first" She waited for a moment, but then said, to the whole group, "I will need to see you each individually, and with your gift. I know this is alot to take in, but I know I have not much time, my strength is fading fast."

Cora is also buying art, Please PM me!

Last edited by Cora; 03-26-2014 at 12:15 AM..