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Badass Freakin' Overlord!
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Old 03-26-2014, 12:46 AM

Chris put her palm over her com device a moment and glared at Hunter,
"Hunter. Shut. Up. This isn't the time for your insubordination." She stated simply, it didn't matter how many other officers he didn't get along with, even her, orders were orders, if you couldn't follow them you were screwed, "Reality check for you right now. What if Xa'De dies? You'll need a new wing-man anyway. So suck it up, take the kid and make him a part of the team. Oh and in case you conveniently forgot, I was the one who stuck you all together in the first place and what were you like? A bunch of idiots who couldn't work together worth a damn, with a cocky one-man show taking up position as the Ace. Oh right, that was you. So for all you know, Palmer might surprise you and be just as good as Xa'De or work well with you regardless of your time with him. We're a ship full of long-shots and now you think you have the weight to say you don't want to give some-one else a chance?"
She prepared to lift her hand from the com device, but instead gave Hunter one last sharp glare,
"If you've got anything else stupid to say, now is the perfect time to keep it to yourself, I've got more important things to deal with than childish whining from a grown man. Like making sure the rest of our fighters wont suddenly blow up in your faces." With that the woman stormed off, for good, uncovering the comms. For once could that idiot just listen and do what he was told? Maybe not, but he didn't exactly have a choice in the matter. It was going to be up to him to welcome Palmer to the group, if he couldn't manage that, then Christine was clearly going to have to change the rosters around until there was no more of this bullshit we work better by ourselves mentality. All the flights on a warship had to work perfectly together, all the pilots had to adapt or their potential for the future would be stunted.

It didn't take Christine long to get to the flight deck herself, saluting the Captain quickly before she got closer to the damaged ship. If it was her own life, she didn't care about the risk of another explosion, these things didn't exactly pack much explosive force on their own anyhow, but when you were in the cockpit.. Well, you were shit out of luck. She stared thoughtfully up at the broken machine, her face an absolute mask of fury. Stress had been piling on to her lately. so much so that she took a step back and leaned on the handrail raising her still-human hand to her head, grumbling to herself in annoyance. Couldn't Hunter see that she was trying to do this for the best?

Unappreciative bastard. It wasn't like she was declaring Xa'De dead already, but it was better now than later. Even if Xa'De survive, that wound was going to need full, proper treatment not to mention recovery time. Sure there was decent medical care under the doctors hands but an injury like that could not only be crippling, depending how much it damaged, it could be worse. She dropped her hand from her face, gripping at her shoulder, head lowered. She knew exactly the kind of impact a truly crippling injury could have on the victim. The amount of confidence in ones own abilities being shaken in a single instant.

She took a moment to breath and looked at the ship again, especially where the warping had occurred. Strange, for a moment it seemed to her like the metal was bent completely outwards. If she was seeing this right. Normally when an explosion was caused by an exterior shot, at least some of the metal would still have bent inward, to reveal the impact point of a penetrating shot. Yet the still-present edges were all bent outwards, even the burnt-out interior compartment.
Was this an act of sabotage? It was only a brief glance, so perhaps she was imagining things..