Thread: To Be Human
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Tachigami is offline
Old 03-30-2014, 03:05 AM

He couldn't stay there forever, though he wanted to. Maybe if he looked up with his mouth open long enough he'd drown like those idiot turkeys that looked upward in rain storms. But that wouldn't happen, and he sighed at himself. He was stupid. God he was stupid. Just how desperate for money had he been? Not enough to split rent with Tim, but enough to come to this strange place knowing some odd things would happen? But he didn't know it'd be this bad. Didn't know he'd be... cut. Burned. Tormented like that. Stunned.

He dried, pulling on his new clothes and balling the dirty ones, tossing them into the empty corner and staring at himself. His hair was wet, plastered to his scalp, and would slowly begin to curl as it dried. It was darker, but would lighten up soon enough. Stepping out of the bathroom, he froze when he saw the thing. The pet. Whatever it---he---was now. "You..." He shook his head, scouting the wall away from the... creature. "What are you doing in here? Just... just lemme alone. Go away, God, I just wanna be alone and cry like a puss. Can't I do that in private?" He felt hot tears prick his eyes but blinked hard. "No, apparently fucking not. God, what am I even doing here?" He slid down the wall, head in his hands, breathing carefully. His stomach was flipping, his head was spinning. He was confused and yet so painfully aware of everything. Even that creature.