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Can I please come down? ~Simple Plan's song "Astronaut"
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 03-31-2014, 12:49 PM

Lord McCarthy bowed low before his king. "I am flustered your majesty. We seem to have had a miscommunication. It led to some rather unpleasant words. I am at a loss as to what to think." He paused and wondered if it was polite to say more.

He didn't sit well with the threat the Queen made him. He also didn't think pregnant women was a reason for someone in high office to treat him so unwell. But he would give the Queen allowance right now. It was, after all, not the start of the outburst. So he withheld his complaints against the Queen.

Instead he opted to only relay the beginning of the conversation. "When you expressed a desire for young men for your son to hang out with, and invited the four that you did, you sent them invitations. They came from their families to your home. One of the younger ones was rude towards the Princess. Stan, the oldest, came to her defense. I asked if the Princess had properly thanked the young man. Is it not custom for the royal family to issue an official gift or note?"

Derrick stepped forward and quietly cleared his throat. Seeing he had the King's attention and was not being motioned back, he spoke, "The proper protocol regarding the royal family issuing an official gift or note is for the King or Queen or married representative to do. There are numerous reasons for this, including to avoid the appearance of courtship between two individuals." He paused to allow that implication to sink in.

He saw Lord McCarthy pause too. That was one thing he was sure Lord McCarthy had not wanted the Queen or Princess to think of yet.

Continuing carefully, as he was only a butler, Derrick pointed out another aspect of protocol, "Protocol dictates that such notices of recognition be done in like setting. I am witness: The Princess was offended in the garden by a select few. The Princess was defended in the garden by one of young age and status, comparatively..." he gestured at the King, Queen, and Lord McCarthy. "The Princess thanked Stan in the garden as was appropriate at the time. So according to protocol, any further measure of thanks should come as a very small gift or a short note from the King or Queen in private. According to protocol." He bowed and stepped back.

Derrick kept a carefully neutral face. This should keep Lord McCarthy from publicly awarding Stan for helping Athena when they have the banquet. Unfortunately, he couldn't keep any praise from leaving Lord McCarthy's lips. Words couldn't be avoided. But the fanfare could be.

Lord McCarthy nodded thoughtfully. It made sense. Shrewd sense. He would have to keep a closer eye on this butler. This butler might be more than he seemed. However, he could still drop comments at the banquet. Both of Stan's good character towards Athena and of the Queen's unstableness. If rumors started that the Queen turned on her own allies, it would hurt the entire royal family. He had a plan and every intention of carrying it out. No one would suspect him. Could suspect him. He was, after all, well beloved by royalty and nobility alike.


Outside, dark shadows carefully scaled the walls up to a certain room. Once inside, they carefully selected hiding places.


She shrugged, "I just have practice at cutting plants. We all know that plants are not people. I live to help heal people, not hurt them." She glanced curiously at Erik. "You are pretty easy going and helpful for being related to the palace. Most others would not have helped out beyond the wolf. Yet you helped with the plants. Why?"