Thread: To Be Human
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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 04-01-2014, 01:09 AM

Alexis hissed soothingly, enjoying being close to Jacob. His bed was comfortable, more so than Alexis' part of floor under a heat lamp. He wondered if Dan would let him sleep with Jacob, to keep him company and make him feel a bit calmer. He was sure Dan would do just that. Alexis had never had a chance to get to know any of the strangers that came to their home. He was hidden from them for a day, and only briefly saw them as they were whisked away downstairs. He never saw them again.

He understood Jacob's anger at Dan. Anyone would be mad at someone that forced them to stay and hurt them. Even Alexis didn't like the man, but for years he had been the only person around to keep him company and to take care of him. He didn't know how to put this into words so he continued to hush Jacob, hoping that the sadness he tasted didn't well over into tears. "Dan isss bad man, I know," he said finally. He didn't want Jacob to think he loved Dan. It was more... He needed Dan to live.