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Elmira Swift
Curator of Alluvium

Elmira Swift is offline
Old 04-02-2014, 12:33 AM

Rather a bit of a downer today with both kids sick with a stomach virus - so I had to cancel the hours I scheduled to work. The upside of this is I have a job where I can have a schedule flexible enough to take care of situations like this whenever they arise! There is no way I could take time off if I worked in a library or archive even if I was a salaried employee, so I am counting this as a good work environment for the time being.

I was able to catch up a bit on shows I haven't been able to watch by logging into Hulu. Just put my headphones on and was able to pause it whenever necessary today. Still not sure if we'll be able to attend an event this weekend or if we'll need to stay home. I hope we can go because I'll have a chance to see some friends and some are selling some art I'd like to at least see in person! A close friend of mine is hosting the event and this may be the last year he'll be involved with it.