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M i r o
M i r o is offline
Old 04-03-2014, 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by Suona View Post
Didn't post it, I had it on my avi
Although a RL cosplay would have been super cool

You're looking fabulously Eastery, btw
Oh, well, pooh!

ooo ~ ty, bby!
I wanted to be Easter-y and I didn't know how to go about it.
I wanted to do a Wonderland spin but eh.

Speaking of Maleficent! The movie comes out soon 8)))
I love her wings they give her. I think they're eagle wings in shape of a swallowtail butterfly?

And I assume since they're telling Maleficent origins, I'm guessing the King made Maleficent fall in love with him and he toyed with her heart? Or killed her true love or something.

Originally Posted by TaiyoTsuki View Post
HI there again! And wish me luck for later today, all!
hihihiii ~

GOOD LUCK for whatever you're doing xDDD
Originally Posted by jupiter View Post
Kimchi and mochi are pretty easy, although the mochi just takes a lot of working.
If you like pickled things and cabbage, the kimchi is fine.

Look, I tried the whole "cake in a mug" thing, and it was probably one of the worst things I've ever put in my mouth. What an awful idea.
It's almost like they've never had a brownie/cake before.
Yeah. I've watched Triple D and wrote down the episode with the Korean woman who was making Kimchi pizza. She just let her kimchi ferment for 3hrs, I think? Or she brined it for 3hrs and then said you can ferment it how you want. :?

I found a YouTube video for the Mochi recipe. But it's one where you use the microwave to steam/cook it. Although, I did find the old fashioned recipe where you make it on the stove. It looks really tedious... and more likely to burn yourself.

You did? Ouch. Was it the fondant that made it gross?

---------- Post added 04-03-2014 at 11:47 AM ----------

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