Thread: Trapped Hearts
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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 04-10-2014, 12:09 AM

Jean-Sal kept holding onto Oliver's hand, hearing his words but not fully comprehending them. How could Oliver come with them? If he ran away with the gypsies, the police would be hunting for them, and they would be accused of kidnap. Even if Oliver tried to explain to his parents, they would lock him up thinking he was mad. By the way they had let their son be molested in public by that old man, it seemed they didn't care for their son's interests.

They skirted the camp, Jean-Sal was glad to see that the others hadn't seen the two walking past. Would they still hate Oliver even though Jean-Sal had forgiven the man? Jean-Sal wasn't sure. He walked Oliver up to the city gates, hugging him tightly again and not wanting to let go. "I'll see you tomorrow. No matter what happens," he promised, kissing Oliver's soft lips.