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Shikabane Hime
So...tired....just...let me....die.
Shikabane Hime is offline
Old 04-16-2014, 12:08 AM

At the end of a hall lied a door that appeared to be normal from a distance. However, a closer inspection revealed the door would be anything but normal. It appeared to have 'caution' tape in a criss cross manner as well as an automatic metal bar behind the tape. Behind the door was a very dark room, no light was in it except for the sunshine coming in through a window. Soon a figure stepped out of the darkness and into the sliver of light, the figure stood not too far from the window as the light shone through revealing small things. She was wearing a Gothic nightgown with a see through loose black gown over it. A faint sigh escaped her lips as the young looking girl looked around the darkened room. Her room was supposed to be dark since she was a danger to also everyone she met. Suddenly a spark flickered in the room, lighting up the room as the girl made her way to the closet to put her clothes on.

Within a few minutes, the girl was dressed, wearing her black dress with two columns of red flowers going down the front and black stocks on her legs. The collar was white with small black buttons on the front as well as a furry part around her neck; her shoes were dark gray, going up to her knees and the heel part being only an inch or two. Once she was finished, she placed on her steel gloves as well as her steel cuffs on her hands on arms. It was too keep her from using her powers as a way to protect everyone, well what would you expect from the girl with no emotions and some people being afraid of her since she will kill anyone with a problem. The young girl's name was Empty Shell, sometimes called Ophelia. She was different from all of the other experiments and only the doctors and nurses really knew about it. Once she was down, Empty opened her door and slowly walked out, moving the tape out of her way. Her dark blue bangs covered her darkened colored eyes as she continued walking slowly through the hall. She had to walk slow, the steel cuffs were designed to keep her from moving her arms the gloves to keep her hands in check.

Empty's head wings twitched lightly as they folded against the young girl's head, her face remained neutral, void of any emotion or shred of remorse for the things she did in her life, the dark blue haired girl continued walking until he heard a commotion, she stopped in her tracked and just stood there, hearing faint voices from too far from her, she figured it was around the corner but she didn't want to continue since there was people out and she didn't want to take her chances if it was the doctors. She just waited until she heard something then she would do something, whatever care first, ever kill them or pretend they don't exist.


Hannah sat in her office, watching the fish in her fish tank swim about as if there was nothing wrong in the world. A small smile appeared on her face, putting some food into the tank to let them eat. After watching her little animals eat, she walked to her desk and started walking on her paperwork, looking at the files of the little experiments. A sinister grin appeared on her face, her red eyes staring at the head shots on many of the children. Hannah leaned back into her chair, placing her feet on her desk as a way to relax. It was her lazy hour and she whether enjoyed her lazy hour. However she didn't like it when she started getting memories of what happened to her.

She placed a hand on her stomach, the memory was fresh in her mind as if it had only happened yesterday. The day she had her baby, hoping to have a baby girl she always wanted. Wanting to raise her and treat her like a princess, until she got the news her baby was dead. Her whole life changed within the blink of an eye because of the accident. If it wasn't for the accident then her little girl would still be around, or if she wouldn't have expected such an impossible thing to happen. Hannah gently rubbed her stomach and growled softly, 'A dream so...foolish.' She thought to herself, the smile on her face had vanished completely. Her eyes seemingly flashing in the light, she hated herself for what happened. If only she had stayed home then her little girl would still be alive.

Hannah erased her memory for a moment to focus on what she had to do, she had to preform a few experiments today and she didn't want to fail...yet. Looking at the files of the young participants, she analyzed each of their faces and their names. It would be an interesting day for her, she believed causing pain to them might help her with her sadness.