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Shadami is offline
Old 04-18-2014, 11:14 PM

Hey everyone. I need to post and get lots of gold. I will be posting with Inspiration occasionally as well since I want to get her some gold. (she's my mule :D)

She runs a thread that takes inspiration from items to create avatars. It is a game open to anyone who wants to participate. With the chance of getting free art! Everyone loves free art. So here's the game in here. I need to post like crazy. I want people to talk to. And who knows. Perhaps while I'm working on all the millions of things that I need to work on, I shall give out some free art to particular avis that inspire me to give out freebies.

Or I don't know. I'll turn you into a pokemon. xD hahaha

But please :3 Post with me!!

and if you're willing to help me out, and this link works to go to my shop... gonna be selling some assorted old items i've got.
my shop?

Last edited by Shadami; 04-19-2014 at 02:09 AM..