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a little earth soul
TerrenaAnimula is offline
Old 04-20-2014, 01:23 AM

The job I dislike...I've been at, or rather will be at, for 6 years in the middle of May. It's my first me through college since I commuted. It's still part time and we have a overhaul of staff last year and so the people we have now aren't properly trained, are lazy, and essentially do whatever they want and most of the stuff they do would have gotten them reprimanded under the previous manager's managing.

If it wasn't for the job that I started at in August wasn't minimum wage and part time...I would have left the one I didn't like already. But if minimum wage does go up, then maybe I will be able to quit the other one...provided I am able to keep the same hours I do now. Because if it goes up to what people have been talking about...that's almost $3 more than what I am making....although I make more than minimum wage at the place I don't like...but I have been told by the new manager that I can't get a raise unless I become someone in a managerial position. Which I should tell him that I technically am since the owner put me in charge of birthday club. Which the manager is trying to take over without even doing the birthday club stuff.