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Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 04-21-2014, 05:46 AM

Volkov purred hearing Artemis so happy and bumped her forehead against the other woman's. It just seemed like a natural thing to do when a cat was happy or pleased with a human. Nodding when she heard the offer, she hopped down from the woman's shoulder and wove in and out between the legs of a small table. "Well maybe if we find anything that has a lock on it, or a hidden door. For all we know it could be a fake book with a lock." she said and looked around at the huge expanse of the books. She would definitely want to look at those and read a few. She did love books, and old books were always so interesting and beautiful looking. Purring lightly, she moved around the room, looking in smaller places that would be awkward for a human to bend over and look at. Once or twice she found another dusty spot and let out a little sneeze. Shaking herself as her feathers ruffled and then settled back on her back again, all neat like. "I wonder..." she said and then wiggled under the rug on the floor. The little bump underneath it moved to the left and right, back and forth along the entire length until she poked her head out the other end. "Nope not under there." she said and wiggled out from under the rug. Leading the other woman through the next hallway, she saw a candle holder on the wall, opposite of the window in the hall.

Flapping her wings as she jumped, she nearly missed the thing, but pulled herself up and sat in the section that was empty to hold the candle. It suddenly creaked and lowered, making Volkov mew in surprise and jump off, but a stone moved out of the way to reveal a key hole. "Oh, that's interesting." she said, walking up to the wall and sniffing it in interest.