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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 04-22-2014, 03:55 AM

It was simple to ignore at first. Vlad knew what Discord was doing. The scent of power was strong - Discord was letting it spread through the estate, wasn't he? The Undertaker smiled slightly, looking over his shoulder in the direction of the door. To go, or not to go?

Vlad paused, considering staying where he was. There was no harm in waiting while everyone else explored. Then again ... it was quiet here. A frown crossed his face. Should that bother him?

The Undertaker sighed quietly, stepping slowly away from the window. Fine. He would find the young master of the house. Why not play a bit of "find Discord" in a house this big? Besides, as much as he'd like to deny it, Vlad was curious about the place. Being in another time period was interesting.

Vlad stepped through a few hallways, following the trail of Discord's power. After a few turns, the dark-haired male paused. Oh. It truly was a game, then. Scenting the air before him, then through the doorway on his right, he chose a direction. Discord's Purium was active alright. And it was scattering its scent through half the building....

Teal eyes narrowed in concentration. Rarely did he track others down with the use of his powers. Perhaps it was a lesson he was to learn here in this place. Taking a deep breath, Vlad followed another bit of the trail. He took a wrong turn. The scent was weak here. Doubling back, Vlad focused - in that moment, he became as concentrated on finding Discord as he usually did with his enemy. There would be no stopping him until he found the boy.

Vlad continued to track Discord, taking a few wrong turns in the process. It was irritating, but there was something about it that kept Vlad's rage from intruding on his thoughts. This wasn't serious. It was a game. Didn't people tell him to lighten up fairly often? Why get angry with losing the trail if this was meant to be a bit of fun? The male's glowing eyes locked on the next doorway. There was movement, and he glimpsed a familiar lithe form.

Stepping into the room, Vlad tapped the side of Discord's head with his fingers. Why? He had no idea. It just sort of happened.

"Like a dog to a whistle. I'm sure you expected it." he smirked, shaking his head. Sometimes, he didn't bother denying the fact that his personality was ... stubborn. He was stubborn in his pursuits, in his fighting, in his thinking .... Vlad was all around a pretty stubborn person. Sadly, everyone else knew that, including Discord.

"Found anything interesting, young master?" The words were equally a real question and laced with sarcasm.