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Can I please come down? ~Simple Plan's song "Astronaut"
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-25-2014, 01:26 AM

The cloaked figure stared down at Erik in shock. How had he shown up here so suddenly. Obviously he was better at the woods than she had anticipated. She would have to try to lose him in the night. Turning, she sprinted away from her hideout. Leaping from branch to branch, she reached a river. Not checking back to see if he had managed to follow, she leaped out into the cool night and dived into the river.

The water was colder than she had anticipated. For a moment she couldn't move. Then she started to swim. Staying under as long as she could manage, she swam downstream as hard as her arms and legs would propel her. Finally, lungs burning, she came up for air and worked her way across to the far side of the river. Pulling herself onto the bank and crawling behind a tree, she leaned against the trunk of the tree and leaned around slightly to try to peer into the night. Did Erik manage to follow or did she lose him?


Lord McCarthy bowed deeply to the Queen, "Yes m'lady. I appreciate the generous and thoughtful gift very much. You even managed to procure one of my favorite flavors. You honor your humble servant." Looking up with concern, he asked, "And you, My Queen? How are you this evening?"