Thread: Earth Meets Sky
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Can I please come down? ~Simple Plan's song "Astronaut"
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 04-25-2014, 03:16 AM

Reaching the edge of a gully, Astra slowed to a stop. Leaning against the side of the rock face, she peaked around the corner. In the distance she saw the mobile units that were set up in a U-shape. The base camp. She watched for a few minutes. Noting that the guards were rather lax and that all other activity was muted, she assumed they were not expecting her. A logical assumption really. Out here in the middle of nowhere, there just wasn't anything more dangerous than a few creatures who called this barren place home.

Planning out a route, noting the larger boulders and which guards would be easier to hit first, it wasn't long until a bloody trail led from the camp's perimeter to the inside of the mobile units. Astra gazed lazily over the consoles and checked the storage bins. Lots of useful and useless information. She held up her arm and used her omni-tool, a device attached to her arm that provided a few extra treats to life, to download the information in the consoles that were of interest. Then the real work began.

There was ruins in the side of the canyon rock walls. Large cylinder tubes had been carefully and painstakingly set up leading back into them. The doors allowing for human biometrics to trigger them only. Heading inside, Astra pulled out a gun and carefully walked deeper and deeper into the interior. It wasn't her cup of tea, but it had to be done. The stuff she had acquired so far were nice extras that her boss had wanted, but weren't the reason she was here. Deep inside was a chamber with scientist junk laying around. From there several corridors. Consulting the console in the chamber, she learned which corridor held what she wanted and headed in that direction.

The scientists didn't know what they had down here. Reaching the room, Astra quickly and efficiently found the random pieces of technology the scientists had failed to recognize. Carefully looking them over and checking out every angle, Astra attached them back together and soon had the implants in reasonable shape. Now she just needed a doctor to surgically attach them in her skull by her left eye. It would make analyzing so much easier. In the meantime, she had to get out of here. And incoming patrols would be waiting for her.