Thread: Carver's Blade
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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 04-29-2014, 02:22 AM

Cedric closed his eyes as he walked down the stairs, gagging slightly at the smell that assaulted him. He slowly opened his eyes and almost immediately vomited at the sight. Blood was everywhere. He felt light headed, but tried his best not to faint. He found a clean surface to leaned against as Iago went to inspect the body. Cedric tried not to imagine what it was like to be tied up and tortured for possibly several hours. Lawrence glanced over at him and smiled slightly.

"You OK there? You're looking pretty pale..."

"Fine. Just... Fine. How... How could this happen without anyone hearing him? Surely he screamed... The neighbours are pretty close and the neighbourhood looks quiet enough that if someone heard screaming they would be suspicious." As he talked, he kept his eyes off the blood and the body, pretending to be looking about the walls for clues. "I mean, there's lots of windows..."