Thread: Trapped Hearts
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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 04-30-2014, 12:13 AM

Jean-Sal didn't sleep at all that night, and dread and sorrow gripped at his stomach as the rooster's cry woke the camp. They were getting ready to leave, herding up their cattle and sheep and tying down anything that could fall off once their camp stood up. He got dressed quickly, not even thinking about what he was wearing, and left his tent. What could he do? A million thoughts were flying around in his head as he grabbed a white horse nearby.

"What are you doing?" The voice belonged to Goat, who was watching Jean-Sal from a distance, a concerned look on his face.

"I have to go get him, Goat. I can't leave him," Jean-Sal climbed onto the back of the horse as he spoke, looking down at his best friend. "I'll do anything to have him. I am totally in love with him." Goat shook his head.

"I'll try to keep them here until you come back," he said with a slight smile. "Now go get him, Sally." Jean-Sal thanked his friend, leading the horse into a gallop towards the city. He ignored the guards at the gate asking for him to stop and continued up the streets towards the rich side. He had no idea where Oliver lived, but he knew he would find him. It was destiny that the two would be together.