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PapillonCameo is offline
Old 05-01-2014, 03:12 AM

"Virsat, wait!" Tears of blood streaked down his face. Red, it stained his white shirt and drove home how inhuman he was. Even so. This was her friend. One of the few people who had ... No he hadn't looked past what she was. He was afraid of her. Before he could get very far, the hunter loped to his side and wrapped a hand around his arm. Chrissie held on with a firm, but gentle, grip. She hadn't wanted to make him cry, to frighten him.

She sighed softly. "Please, listen to me. We are friends, which means I would never ever hurt you." Slowly, she let go, and made sure to keep her hands free of weapons and right where Virsat could see them. "I won't hurt you. So please, give me the benefit of the doubt, like I gave you." Chrissie could have attacked Virsat the moment she'd found out he was a vampire. She hadn't. Didn't he see that?