Thread: Shot Me Down
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Tachigami's Personal Slave

NekoLen is offline
Old 05-02-2014, 12:18 AM

Shot Me Down

An rp by Tachigami and NekoLen

The flat landscape of the desert stretched on for what felt like forever. Men got lost out here, went mad, died of thirst. It was a still, quiet place and Joey liked it. For the longest time he had a partner, a boy just a decade younger than himself. Someone to talk to, laugh with, plot with... Spend lonely and cold nights with. But that boy was dead, shot down by law men only a few months ago. Now Joey was alone once again.

He sighed and adjusted his wide-brimmed hat, pulling the scarf up around his mouth to prevent himself from breathing in too much sand. His trusty horse, Night, whinnied slightly, slowing its walk into a nervous trot. Joey stroked the horse's sweat-soaked neck, casting a wary eye over the many bleached white bones of both beast and humans they passed. Lost souls that were taken by the harshness of the outback.

He pulled Night around, starting towards where he knew a small native tribe had settled. They had water and he had things to trade with them. He was on good terms with most of the tribes around the area, which was quite an achievement for a white man. He ushered Night along, encouraging him to pick up his speed. The horse was tired, and so was Joey. They had chased a wagon train, trying to hijack one of the wagons to steal any valuables. But they had failed and Joey blamed his depression. He just kept thinking about him, his pretty boy.

"It's OK, Night. We are nearly there. I'll let you graze and drink all the water ya want, old boy." He had no one but his horse and his thoughts. He had to get used to it.