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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 05-04-2014, 07:59 PM

Although Mikheil would avoid admitting that, all the things that Artifex said about their failures and follies hit too close to home. He hadn't winced when Chiasa vented her anger - he felt it couldn't be directed at him in any way, but felt sorry for red head that had summoned their guide's anger -, but now his shoulder slumped and man looked at ground. It was true, at least about him. He wasn't smart or handsome, or strong. There was nothing about him that could make him important to the group or its survival. At least, their chances won't become lower when he will go down. Because he surely will, won't he?

Soon, Anna, Billy and even Suzanna got involved. He felt something of a begrudging admiration towards them and Megumi that dared to step up, talk with crazed Artifex and make such speeches. They all at least tried to do something, even in face of moderate danger - what if Artifex suddenly attacked any of them? Megumi said she didn't fear death... He wished he could say the same, but even though he found himself worthless, the thought of perishing paralyzed him. There wasn't much Mikheil had wanted to see or do in this world, and at most times, visioned his future as rather bleak, but he had never toyed with thought of suicide. Perhaps, despite having left religion on the side, as belonging to older generations, some principles were still deeply instilled in him.

So, if he didn't want to die, what was keeping him from doing something to become more than stage decoration? Shoulders still slouched, he stepped out of the crowd, stopping halfway to the tense group. If things would get ugly, he would be close enough to get involved. Maybe save one of the girls from a nasty injury since he had enough physical strength to hold Artifex back or down, if needed. At least he hoped he did.

But the situation got resolved in a wiser way, with Yerik getting involved and the man felt relieved, about to return to the sidelines. He wasn't needed. For better or for worse. But Chiasa decided differently. When she pointed at him, he looked confused. "Me?" Mikheil questioned, looking around him and then flushed, realizing that, naturally, no one else was nearby. Pulling head deeper in shoulders, he walked closer to fierce woman. Damn. If he had stayed in the line, this wouldn't have happened! Now he would get to embarrass himself all the more.

"Mikheil Kovach. It's... nice to meet you, Chiasa," he introduced himself, remembering her order from before. The woman before him was a good deal shorter, kind of dainty and... pretty. But he had seen the great power she possessed and wasn't fooled by her appearance. Still, it must have been hard, for her to get to where she was now, both physically and metnally, like she had yelled... Or maybe he had just played too many video games with strong woman protagonists that had this gentle soul underneath hard and harsh shell. He cleared his throat awkwardly, "I'd just like to say that I dislike thought of hurting a woman." Real smooth, real smooth.

His hand rested on knife's hilt for a brief moment, but thought of trying to slash at her made him queasy so, Mikheil suddenly moved to right side and swung fist at her side - a good idea poorly executed at the end as she could most likely easily dodge it with her arm, barely moving it. Even more, he immediately expected a counter attack and half-leaped away from her, tripping over a stone in the grass and nearly tumbling on the ground. He managed to regain his balance, but his face was as red as tomato, hair in his eyes. If she had indeed not attacked back, he mumbled something in German under his breath and approached Chiasa again to attempt a 'honest' sweeping kick and some punch.

Last edited by sadrain; 05-04-2014 at 11:30 PM..