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Glitter addict...beware

CrimsonShadow is offline
Old 05-05-2014, 05:02 PM

Chaiasa stood still and watched her opponent. He seemed to be thinking hard about something. She would have to warn him about deep thinking while fighting, not a good combo. Had she wished she could have immobilized him during that time and it would have been a cakewalk. As Mikheil circled around her she tracked him by sound. Warriors used every sense they had. They worked hard to heighten them and because she was a demigod her senses were even better.

Her arm shot up and blocked the punch. Brow raised she watched Mikheil jump back once more. So he was a hit once and retreat fighter. She could work with that.

Then he rushed her. It would have been a smart move had he not tripped over the rock. Letting out a heavy sigh she took the hit to her body, cushioning his fall. She didn’t want his cute face to be broken. Pushing him off, she placed her hands behind her head and used them to push off the ground to jump up onto her feet.

“Very nice shifting your weight with the punch. You listen to advice, that’s good. We need to work on your balance and coordination though. But not to bad.” She gave him a slight bow and turned to the rest of the group. Chaiasa looked at two of the men standing together, both of Asian descent (Rain and Takumi). She sized them both up and decided they were fighters. “You and you, both of you come forward. Weapons.” As she talked she walked over to her sword and drew it from it’s sheath. A metallic ringing noise sounded as it was freed, echoing in the distance.

“Don’t worry gentlemen, I won’t damage those pretty faces.” Now this fight, this fight was going to be fun. She waited for them to step forward.