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Kat Dakuu
hyperactive catdemon

Kat Dakuu is offline
Old 05-06-2014, 11:23 PM

Alexis smiled just from hearing Noel's voice. The other man always sent a warm tingle through him without having to do anything. It was love. It was why Alexis came to a bakery and bought sweet foods he didn't like, but somehow loved because of who made them. He would do anything for a person he loved. Anything. A truly childlike smile flashed over his face at that thought before he turned his attention to the foods that Noel was pointing out. "They both sound really yummy. I'll have a plain croissant and one of the bacon cheddar ones, then one of those cakes then. Since they look so cute," he said with a chuckle.

He didn't look much like a person who could eat a lot, but swimming had a way of making a person hungry enough to snarf down a couple croissants without pause. Alexis wondered if he should stay around the bakery today. He had an obligation elsewhere, but suddenly it seemed much less important. His school councilor could wait. It wasn't like the guy would understand Alexis anyway. No, Alexis wanted to spend today with Noel and perhaps hear a little news.

He was still sleep deprived from the little trip he took last night and he wanted to know if it made Noel happy. Alexis was a very good listener, so he knew how unhappy Noel's marriage was. Really, Alexis helped him end it out of love. No one would find her at the bottom of the lake. Everyone would think the wife just ran off and Alexis would be there, right by Noel's side to help him get over it. Dying wasn't so bad anyway--it was what everyone ultimately longed for and the purest expression of love. Everyone should be so fortunate to die in order that love go on.