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less than three
Artifex is offline
Old 05-08-2014, 02:06 PM

Perhaps she was over reacting, but having the sight of all these people-people she had been trying to turn into friends suddenly band against her, it had been a little much to withstand. She wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out again.
Her stomach twisted further when she realized she was not alone, despite attempting to remove herself from the group. It was quick realization that finding any alone time here would be a difficult task. Which meant everyone was going to hear her talking to herself and think she was crazy.

~Pretty sure they already do, after that episode~

Glancing up only briefly to see Anna, Arty pulled her knees to her chest and hid her face in them, embarrassed on top of all else to be found crying. "I'm sorry" she mumbled through the fabric of her sweat pants, "I didn't mean to let that get so out of hand."

Looking up as Anna jogged back to the fire, Artifex felt her stomach knot again, though this time it was from hunger. With a bit of a sniffle she tried her tears and took a deep breath to calm herself before getting back to her feet. The sight of the fish nearly ready to burn was unbearable so she set her mind to the task and ran inside, going to her pile of clothing and armor.

Picking up a rather pretty corset, Arty sighed and started ripping out some of the stitching. It was an Elizabethan style which meant one very handy component: metal boning. The one in the center would do just fine, seeing as it was about two inches wide and fairly flat. Taking that and couple other little pieces with her she returned to the fire and offered Anna the make-shift spatula, along with a second piece of the metal boning but it was more of a thin stick in shape. Still, it would do for helping with the fire. Too bad Elizabethan corsets only had the one wider piece.

She didn't have much to say about it, merely gave these things over without a word before sitting on the ground nearby and fiddling with something else. Two gloves, one inside the other would do it. Along with some grass in between for a bit of added insulation. Stitch them together and in about fifteen minutes Artifex had a make-shift oven mitt that she offered to Anna as well. After all, the metal pieces were only about twelve inches long and would heat up quickly if kept near the fire.