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Old 05-14-2014, 09:16 PM

Noir Armen

Listening as to how Rayne had explained the fact of why herself and Minoru were so close to each other; Noir couldn't help but be slightly confused as to how she could be speaking about this so calmly. Being unaware of the bit of sadness that was within her voice about the subject, Noir was still curious at the fact of how she spoke of how Minoru's parents had died at his young age. True, it could be the fact that they still had each other to this day and maybe the pain was still lingering but still healed a bit to the point that she could speak about it much more calmly than back then; but it was still the fact of what had happened to him that could give off a sense of being uncomfortable about the whole thing.

When the statement about how Rayne's life wouldn't be the same without Minoru next to her. Noir could feel as though his heart had just dropped ten times in more pain than he had already felt about the fact of his family being gone. However, rather than letting it get to him too much to the point he would break out into tears; he held it in and did his best to speak. "Y-yeah..where would we be..w-without them.." His words were just slightly broken up as he spoke his sentence, no matter how much he tried to force the pain down; it was still there in the end no matter what he did.

Hearing the slight gasping from her lips when Noir had placed a hand onto her shoulder, he had kept it there for a moment or so before feeling the warmth of her own hand placed upon his own. Throughout most of his life after the death of the King and Queen, Noir had never really experienced the touch of anyone else since whenever someone would even try to touch him; he would tend to always step away before he could get into any kind of contact with them. However, as it had seemed; with how Rayne understood the pain he went through, he didn't mind to have her hand touch his own. Since, she was blind as well; she probably understood the reason as to why he had kept bandages over his eyes.

When she had stood back up for the moment and Noir had allowed his hand to be held within her own as he slightly laced his fingers around hers but kept silent about it. Feeling her squeeze his own hand in the process as the two of them had began to make their way towards the castle, it wasn't too difficult to figure out that she was just as embarrassed as he was to be walking next to her. However, the difference with this was that with his own embarrassment; his body temperature had quickly began to rise to a much more warm aura around him. Not to the point that it would be able to burn away anything but enough to the point that if he were within a room full of ice, anyone would be able to see the steam coming off of his body from his own body heat coming off of him.

As Rayne had began to mumble to herself about the others within the meeting having their own views about what should be done as well as everyone being really nice. Noir had only remained silent as he continued to walk by her side, listening to their surroundings; hearing the footsteps of the guards patrolling the area as the two of them had passed a few, it had seemed as though they wouldn't bother to try and stop Noir from making his way over towards the Palace. At least, that meant no trouble had to be started just for him to join this meeting. "What are your own views about this whole thing...anyway, Rayne..?" He questioned her just slightly silent enough for her to hear rather than have any guards around eavesdrop on their conversation.

Sorace Bovem

Listening as to how Wound stated that he wouldn't betray Soran's trust, he would only give the male a nod of his head before turning to look over at Yuki around was scampering across the floor towards all the scientists. Kneeling back down to the floor, he snapped his fingers a few times towards the small fox creature who rushed over at the sound and looked up at Soran curiously. "Yuki, im going to need you to stay here on Xenu for a little while today; alright? I'm going to go to the meeting and come right back with what I've learned. Until then, I want you to make sure to keep everything in check on Xenu." He explained to the small creature who nodded his head and rushed out of the room to go straight down the hallway. Giving a light chuckle and a shake of his head towards how free spirited his little companion was, he stood back up to his feet before turning to face the large purplish Void Gate.

"Lets go." Soran spoke up one last time towards Wound behind him before making his way up the metal ramp and stepping straight through the portal. In an instant, Soran's body was consumed into a flash of lightning as his body vanished from sight within the room as it began to travel in an instant towards the entrance of the Palace of Kings. Within a matter of time as he traveled across the universe through the travels of using the Void Gates; it was only minutes later that around the entrance of the building to the Palace that a large circle diagram began to form on the pavement of the ground. Sparks of lightning had began to surround each part of the circle as a large flash of light soon bursted from the pavement to reveal Soran standing there with Wound still being with him; if he had taken the portal as well. This time however, rather than him wearing his fourth form of shifting; he was within his third which was one of his more professional forms of all of them. With his fourth form, he had much longer white hair and two small white horns that curved on the sides of his head and his outfit being much more suited for that of a ruler.

Turning his head slightly over his shoulder to see that there were multiple females and males standing around each other as they were speaking. Soran stood there and stared at them for a bit to realize that they were mostly all the people that were coming to the meeting as well. Turning his gaze over towards Wound for a bit before looking back at the group of people, he questioned himself on whether or not he should approach them and speak with them now or just head straight for the meeting room for now.