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~Wild Spirit Wolf~
~Wild Spirit Wolf~ is offline
Old 05-19-2014, 04:43 AM

Nichole turned a steady gaze on her son, and nodded. "I see. Thank you for telling me." She said simply.

"Ma'am...I would like to ask one thing. Just one question that I've always wanted to know. My mother...did she ever truly love my father?" Vixen asked, more shy than she had ever been.

"Oh, dear. Don't call me Ma'am, it makes me feel like an old woman." Nichole sat down. "Siobhan, your mother was my best friend. When she fell in love with that man, even though I knew he was no good, I supported her. I warned her that being involved with him would someday get her killed. But she loved him too much to listen. And damned if he didn't love her back, too. Then she got pregnant...oh, they still loved each other. Your father was ecstatic, he was so happy to be a father. But your mother began to worry about you. Let me make this perfectly clear. Your mother wanted you to be safe. She wanted to give you a failsafe in case you ever decided to get out. Yes, Rose loved your father, and your father loved her back. I suspect he still loves her, and it still hurts him that he did that to her. But they have rules, and if he hadn't killed her, someone else would have. It's no excuse, but that was his reason. And Rose loved you, too. Both of your parents did. The answer is yes, without a doubt. Yes."

"Thank you. I always wondered...thank you."