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Old 05-22-2014, 12:04 PM

The brave faces that represent Rashmaal fight with much pride and love in their hearts.

The following characters are affiliates of the Kingdom of Rashmaal.

▬▬▬▬▬ AKIYAMA RONIN SAIKI • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

"No matter what life has in store for me, I will carve out my own path and create my own destiny."


Nickname Aki or Akiyama
Title Guardian of the Princess of Rashmaal

Age Twenty-four. Many people mistake the male for being of an older age because his face is often adorned with a stern look, which tends to make him look about thirty-five.
Gender Male
Orientation Straight
Hair His mid-back length black hair has a bluish-purple hue to it and is more than often worn back in a messy pony-tail (but he does tend to let it hang freely).
Eyes His face is donned with a beautiful set of blue eyes that resemble a slender almond shape.
Build Akiyama's nose is a bit too angled and tends to look large in comparison to other noses (but it does suit his face, nonetheless). His slender lips are often drawn tight or seen with a serious expression; however, they do know how to bare a grin and smile. He has a rather muscular build, but is on the slender side of the bulk scale. Akiyama's shoulders, thought broad, tend to reflect those of a woman; most assume this is due to his petite looking size.
Skin tone Hailing from Dromskra, Akiyama was blessed with pale peach skin.
Height He stands close to six feet tall.
Weight Tends to take on the skin-and-bones weight option.
Handed Left
Body markings N/A
Scars None worth noting


Personality Akiyama is a rare breed of man as he operates on a different wavelength. His patience levels are through the roof and, despite being a male, he is an excellent listener. Akiyama often has a calm and insightful approach to situations. He has a good mind that seeks out the truth, making him a pursuer of knowledge. His perfectionist nature goes nicely with his rational mind. Although he is often filled with emotions and expression, there are times where Akiyama can come across cold and emotionless. Because of this, people might not know the individual as well as one might have hoped.

He tends to pride himself in being cautious upon entering foreign situations and will often take a back burner to heated conflicts. He's not really one to add fuel to a raging fire.

Some would say he's a very poised male. He has a friendly aura that often lures people to him. His charming antics and charismatic ways are highly noticed by others, which is why he is fairly well-known. Akiyama is also highly involved and very committed. His unwavering loyalty and devotion to helping others is what most people enjoy about the male. He is not only compassionate, but he is also understanding and very kind. He appears to have high tolerance levels and will often befriend and root for the underdog. He believes that everyone was born with a purpose and that their destiny can be altered based on the interactions of those around him or her.

Despite his gender, Akiyama pays great attention to detail. He's the type of guy that will remember your birthday and will ask how your family is doing. He is, in simplest terms, people-oriented. This trait is often enhanced by his selfless desire to help others. He has a huge capacity for responsibility and is always ready to assume more than his fair share of the work load. He's generous and, because of his devotion to helping others, Akiyama often represses his own needs. This inability to show aggression for himself causes a bit of resentfulness in the lad, as he hates his inability to turn people away. Although these qualities are often good, people can take offense to his constant sense of devotion. Meaning, not everyone likes how much Akiyama interferes with their personal lives. He also have a very strong presence and can come across as possessive.

Although Akiyama is driven to help others due to his sympathetic and affectionate nature, the male does have his not-so-hot downfalls. He can become too attached to people, which causes emotional flare-ups. He also tends to be one of those non-stop talkers when he is surrounded by people he knows. Akiyama also has a tendency to fail at meeting deadlines. He also, at times, can appear very self-centered, though this is not usually the case. The male is also terrible at adapting to new situations. He enjoys following a very straight-forward and well-followed path. He prefers systematic and diplomatic approaches to life and will shy away from spontaneous interactions. He's also horrible at making decisions as he fears he might offend someone if his desires to not align with those around him.

All in all, Akiyama is a well-tempered and friendly guy. He has a big heart and doesn't seem to understand the meaning of the word "no." He is driven by those around him and can appear to be very submissive, heeding no attention to his own desires or needs.

Mortal Alignment Lawful Neutral; he believes in honor, order, and tradition. He does not, however, believe in good or bad. He fights for what fits into his code of ethics.

Motivation Akiyama's only motivation is for the kingdom he serves. He fights for what Rashmaal wants and he will do all he can to protect the princess.

Fear(s) Failure is his biggest fear. As much as he hates spiders and snakes, the man would rather face those than lose of fail. The fact that the princess has escaped him is causing him much grief to the point where he is almost depressed.

Likes Traveling, nature, and tranquil places. Having a mother who was very spiritual and a father who traveled, Akiyama has learned to embrace both sides of life and find comfort in those things. He loves of the outdoors often keeps him outside far longer than he probably should be. Thankfully, the man does not burn easily.

Dislikes Snakes and spiders. He has never liked such creepy things. He is also not overly fond of anthro-people. His disliking links back to his youth when he was wrongfully conned by a fox-anrtho-human. To this day, he doesn't enjoy trusting them for he knows they're still half-wild.

  • He has the ability to keep his tongue still even in the most offensive situations.
  • He has the ability to be selfless and self-sacrificing.
  • He is very protective of his knightly kin.

  • Tends to lure in too many romantic partners, which causes more drama than he wants to handle.
  • His selfless and self-sacrificing antics tend to get him in trouble.
  • His emotions, though a great gift, will more than likely bring about his demise.


Faith & Morals With his mother being a temple-woman, Akiyama grew up learning to love the sky gods. He often prays for rain, sun, and wind. He does not shun other's beliefs on religion and he has no qualms with saying prayers to other god's, even if they are outside his own scope and region.
Virtues Akiyama shows restraint in all that he does for he knows that if he become too quick or selfless, he will lose his honor and justice. Charity, or sacrifice, is another virtue of the young guardian. The day he went to sacrifice himself for his friends is the day he received the heaven's great gift. To this day, he still believe in generosity and helping those in need. Akiyama has diligence and patience, knowing that he cannot win by rash or quick-tempered movements. He knows that to succeed, he needs to stick to his ethics and be at peace with what happens around him. His loyality is fierce and his bravery knows no bounds. This man has little envy and pride within him.
Sins Lust is his demise, at least it is what caused him to lose sight of the princess. Other than that, Akiyama does not have many other sins to his name.


Head/Neck He enjoys wearing a white scarf around his neck, as he loves the feeling of the piece blowing in the wind. This scarf is sometimes accompanied by a white headband. The scarf and headband are his trademark looks, as is his purplish hair.
Chest/Back Akiyama prefers to don himself in the color black. He usually wears a black kimono, but, from time to time, he will slip into a black button down long-coat with form-fitting black pants. As one might assume, Akiyama rarely wears his armor, as he finds it too stiff to fight in. Opting for his kimono, he prefers the looser outfit, which tends to allow the male to conceal more weapons. He also admits that it fits him better than the suit of armor, commenting that the shoulder pieces are too wide for his feminine frame. (A complete set of his outfits can be found here.)


Katana. There is something wonderful about this sleek and majestic weapon. It's speed is perfect and its grace is without limits. It's able to do what man cannot and it extends his reach so that he can attack foes from more than an arm's length away.
Weapon 2 Scythe of Destiny. This magical weapon was bestowed to him the moment he became selfless in a feat to save his friends. The heavens sent down this magical scythe, which grants him with the ability to use magic. Only when holding the scythe can he conjure up magic.
Magic Empathy - This is the ability to discern what others are feeling. Precognition - This is the ability to see things before they occur. Scrying - This is the ability to locate objects, people and places by use of a pendulum, detecting rod, mirror or crystal. Psychometry - The ability to learn about the past of an object by touching it. Mediumship - Ability to see and communicate with the dead (i.e., ghosts).


Rating System
[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Terrible] - [No Skill]

Hand-to-hand [Average] -- Never one for using fists, Akiyama has the average skill of a fist fighter. He will always opt to use his weapon, so he sees no reason to perfect this skill to a mastery level.
Melee [Perfect] -- Why he can fight with a sword or a scythe, how can he not be a master at melee attacks. Not to mention, he is a knight and a trained warrior. If he were not a true master in the art of fighting, he would not be worthy of protecting the young princess.
Ranged [Poor] -- Akiyama has no experience with ranged attacks and simply cannot assault from on far. He has never used a bow and he does not know how to throw knives or blades.
Magic [Above Average] -- His magic use is fairly easy to understand. When he wields his scythe, he can use magic. Those his magic is blessed by the heavens, it is nothing superior or capable of crippling men or mountains. It is just mere magic that can aid its user.
Mounted [Average] -- During his youth, Akiyama spent some time on horse and he does know his way around the creature. Though it is not his preferred mean of attacking, he is more than capable of using his scythe while on a horse.


Kingdom Affiliation Born in Dromskra but now serves Rashmaal
Marital Status Single
Occupation Knight and Guardian of the young princess
Family & Birth
Akiyama was the first born child to Blackwell Aras Allen (Arallen) and Saiki Kiyomi Riva (Kiva). Arallen hailed from the city of Redbend and grew up as one of two children. When he was of the proper age, Arallen set off as a traveling merchant. His journeys and trading brought him around the globe, which is why the male has such a soft nature to him (these traits were passed on to his son). It was during these travels that the male encountered a woman in Dromskra that would forever change his life. As if destined to be together, the traveling man decided to ask the woman if she would accompany him on his journeys. Sadly, the woman declined as she was not interested in living such a free life. Kiva was born and bred a priestess as she was the only child to a pair of priests. Pleased with her decision to stay in her homeland, her parents allowed the woman the honor of finding her own lover, as they knew she would put her faith in the gods above the reckless nature of the lustful.

As the years went on, Kiva soon realized that her heart longed for a man that lived life to its fullest. A man who was kind and passionate in all that he did. Kiva was a selfless woman who sought out a compassionate and friendly man. To her luck, the perfect man came wandering into her life. When she discovered it was Arallen, she immediately told her parents. Although they were not pleased that she would not marry a more educated man, they were thankful that Arallen had kept his body pure and only wanted to court their daughter. This act, to them, was noble and it earned the young pair a great many blessings.

About a year later, the two were wed. A little less than a year later, they had their first child of three. Akiyama had his mother's pale features, but his father's dark hair. As his mother would say, "Akiyama was born with his father's kindness and free-spirit, but he got my good looks and selfless heart." His family picked the name Akiyama as it meant mountain. They knew that there son would grow up to be as strong as a mountain and that he would always reach for the sky above him. He would be a dreamer and a free-spirit who had a strong base and great moral core that would keep him grounded and safe.

The Saiki's other two children are Rika (Saiki Riley Malika) and Garth (Saiki Garth). Rika is ten years Garth's superior and Garth is only eleven. Rika is currently engaged to Kaegin (Morri Kaemon Gin).

Birth to 12 Years
To some, Akiyama's life might have been deemed boring and worthless. To others, Akiyama's life helped mold him into the man he is today. But neither set of opinions matter, as it is solely up to Akiyama to determine whether or not his childhood had meaning. As one might expect, the male is thankful for all that he had been brought up with. He learned love, friendship, and kindness from his father. His mother blessed him with the lessons of sincerity, knowledge, and reliability. Between the two, the handsome lad learned of courage, hope, and light. Neither one of his parents were considered sinister people. Each were both very loving and were blessed by the gods for their faithful devotion.

Being the first born to a pair of inexperienced and youthful adults, Akiyama was more or less a lesson that new parents were forced to learn. Though they asked a great many questions, the two knew not everything could be asked. Learning was a crucial road of the adventure of life.

If one were to ask Arallen and Kiva if they would do again, they would simple laugh at the foolish question. "Though our son was not given the best of the best, we did what we must to keep him healthy, safe, and strong. We regret nothing for we know that he turned out to be better than we ever would have imagined. He's our blessing and we love him dearly, no matter." As assumed, the Saiki's love for their son was deeply rooted. Nothing, not even his somewhat rebellious attitude, could sway them away from their happiness. He was their pride and joy, as were his younger siblings.

As a little tot, Akiyama was brought to the temple with his mother. There she would preform her duties (she's a Stormbringer) while her son played happily in the pen beside her. Everyone used to comment on how sweet he was. Someone even mentioned that he might, one day, grow up to be a politician of sorts. He was personable and very friendly, two traits that were rare to find in a newborn. Not only was he kind and sympathetic, but he was also peaceful and without screaming fits. A smile was always on the baby's face and, even if he got hurt, he would immediately resume to giggling. People often commented that Akiyama was "The happiest little baby I have ever seen. He's quite the blessing."

As he grew and became a little man, Kiva realized she wouldn't be able to keep a watchful eye over him anymore, as Rika had come into their life. Arallen, who had always had a soft spot for kids, decided he would bring Akiyama on his travels. Despite Kiva's scorn, the father and son pair set out to explore the world and open their eyes to a new sect - The Journeymen. Having a knack for understanding people and a thirst for knowledge, Akiyama became a great tool in his father's belt. Whenever the boy fell silent, Arallen would know something was afoot. If the lad was gay and giddy, the male would know they were in good hands.

Having Akiyama with him also proved to be a great lure to getting people to the cart for trading purposes. Being quite the chatterbox, Akiyama was always telling people stories about his travels and his mother's kind touch. He would give a friendly wave, which would draw interested merchants near. It seemed as if Akiyama was doing all the work. Arallen would always joke that he was blessed to have such an inviting child at his side. Together, the pair was able to rack in more than enough money.

Able to return home from about an eight month long trip (Akiyama was about eight at the time; he started traveling with his father around the age of six), the boys were greeted with open arms. Kiva and Rika had grown close and were overjoyed to see the boys were finally here to stay. Akiyama was enrolled in a priest school (the same on his mother belonged to), but his father pulled him out less than four months later. Kiva, believe it or not, agreed that the priesthood was not Akiyama's calling. Together, the two searched for a teacher that would suit their son. This search brought forth an educated man by the name of Morri Hanzo Aiden (Hazen).

Hazen was a new face in Dromskra. He came with one other person, his son Morri Kaemon (later Morri Kaemon Gin or Kaegin) who was the same age as Akiyama. As if destined to be together, Akiyama and Kaemon become the best of friends. The two were always together. They would play together, learn together, eat together, and even sleep together (in a nonsexual way). Hazen took on the daunting task of educating the boys, who, at this time (they were about nine) were more than rebellious and wanted nothing to do with learning. So, Hazen bribed them with an art. They were to lean under him until the age of fourteen and, all the while, they would learn the ways of the sword. Enticed by such an offer, the boys said yes in a heartbeat. To them, this was just a game. Little did they know that the sword would prove to be more than just a toy, but that tale is for later on.

12 Year Friend
As one would assume, the two became the best of friends. Akiyama and Kaemon became an inseparable pair. Wherever one went, the other was sure to follow. Learning together under a great teacher, Hazen (he was actually licensed teacher), the children began to get a grasp for the ways of life. Although Akiyama tended to catch on faster than his comrade, he never let this show. To Akiyama, equality was everything and boasting was nothing more than a sin. He was not a haughty man and, because of this, Kaemon would poke fun at him saying things like "You could really be something better, but you always stay back. You'll be the finest friend yet!"

Having a mother as a Stormbringer and a father as a Journeymen, Akiyama decided he would seek out a sect that would not upset either parent. It was actually Kaemon who suggested he and his friend follow the Order of the Fist and Shield, knighthood. Approving immediately, the two begged Master Hazen to teach them the ways of this group. Sure enough, and without a waver, he taught the two boys of a code unlike any other. Fighting for the weak and defending the underdog. These were the laws Akiyama and Kaemon decided to follow.

Months turned into years and, in no time, it was Akiyama's 12 Year Birthday Eve. Kaemon, who is about a month younger than Akiyama, was granted the privilege of giving Akiyama a new name. Since their first meeting, Kaemon had picked the name he was to bestow upon his best friend, Ronin. As he presented the name to Akiyama on the day of birth of his friend, he explained its nature and said, with tears in his eyes, that "Akiyama is, without a doubt, a wandering warrior whose blade has no fear of defeat."

Although Akiyama does not use this as his primary name, it does not mean he does not adore it. In fact, it is quite the opposite. Not wanting to tarnish the name or allow anyone else the honor of calling him Ronin, Akiyama only allows Kaemon to call him by the name. Akiyama states that it is this way because, "Gin and I share a special bond. I cannot allow anyone to come between us. Though born apart, we are brothers at heart."

No less than a month after Ronin was given to Akiyama, Akiyama was presented with the task of naming his friend. Gin was given to Kaemon because, according to Akiyama, his friend had a "heart of silver." Morri Kaemon Gin would eventually decide to be referred to as Kaegin; however, Akiyama still calls him Gin.

Obtaining a Holy Weapon
By the age of fourteen, Akiyama had become the man he was going to forever be. His father took him about and showed him the horrors of life as well as the joys. A woman was produced for Akiyama, but she ended up dying of a heart attack before Akiyama was able to engage in any pleasurable activities (because of this, he is fears loving people and is still a virgin). Although his day was more than awkward, it did have its perks. When he was allowed to pick but one gift, he, without hesitation, choose the sword that belonged to his great-great grandfather.

Upon picking the katana, he was enrolled in the militia and was to serve and protect his people. Put under the wing of a handsome young looking man by the name of Blackwell Cai Ilynn (Cailynn), Akiyama was to start his new life as an apprentice to a master swordsmen (twenty-two at the time). Already having a basic grasp for fighting (he had Hazen to thank), the male flew through the ranks and eventually landed as Cailynn's right hand man. Kaegin who, too, chose the military lifestyle, worked right along Akiyama, serving as Cailynn's left hand man.

The three were eventually removed from the militia and were sent on to patrol the nation. Cailynn, Akiyama, and Kaegin were more than excited to accept their duty to serve and protect. Embracing the new job, the eighteen year old Akiyama set off on a journey that would forever change his life. His strength, thought not the strongest muscle-wise, laid in his heart and charm. His speed and nimbleness were further enhanced as were his witty tactics. Although he was not the brawn of the group, he was, without a doubt, the well-spoken and keen leader.

Four years had passed since the three had become patrol men. From time to time they would escort caravans, assist hunters, and even aid the wary back toward the cities. Although they were all kind men, they had earned themselves a nifty little title as the "troublesome trio." Granted, their troublesome ways weren't because they were ill-hearted or evil. No, they were troublesome because whenever an enemy came into their path, they (the enemy) would beg for mercy. The three swordsmen were, without a doubt, peerless in their time of reign. And, because of this, Kaegin and Cailynn grew cocky, but Akiyama always kept his pure heart and continued to fight for the less fortunate.

It was one day when Cailynn and Kaegin were sparring that trouble came knocking. A man with golden eyes were leading a group of men toward the city they were to protect that evening. He took down Kaegin without breaking a sweat and Cailynn fell just as easily. Akiyama, who was away getting water, came flying back to see the male swing his blade to deliver the final blow and take Kaegin's life. Panicking, the male thrust his blade toward the enemy, knocking the spear from the yellow-eyed fiend's hands.

Heart racing, but in the right place, Akiyama told the man that he would be his opponent and to pay no attention to his fallen comrades. In a final act of compassion, he demanded that his friends seek out help. Reluctant to leave, the two eventually limped off. They would later run into an army and beg with their lives that the troops follow them.

While the two were busy working up a rescue mission, Akiyama was holding his own ground. At the age of twenty-two, Akiyama had become one hell of a swordsman and even surpassed his superior, Cailynn. Fighting tooth and nail, Akiyama finally took a blow that knocked the wind from him. Just as he was laying down to rest, the white light that was before him seemed to call out to him in a godly sounding male's voice.

Do you believe you can create your own destiny? If so, grab on and allow me the honor of changing your fate.

Confused, but eager to save his friends, Akiyama reached outward and seized a long shaft that had a curved blade attached at the end. With his sword nowhere to be found, the lad popped onto the balls of his feet and prepared himself for his last stance. It was almost as if luck was on his side because the swing that came next seemed to cripple the enemy. Just one blow and they were defeated? It was unbelievable. Jaw ajar and body broken past the point of mending, the handsome fellow collapsed in a pool of his own blood. When he would finally come to, he would be in the arms of Kaegin and Cailynn with a scythe strapped onto his hip.

To this day, he does not recall the fight he had and still does not know how he is alive. He remembers greeting death and he finds it hard to believe that his soul was saved. Nonetheless, he is thankful and, to this day, he fights in the name of Alos and the ever-changing destiny that lies before man. Although he is the holder of the Scythe of Destiny, Akiyama does his best not to use the weapon as he sees it as being arrogant and boastful. He only fights with the scythe when his blade is no longer able to fulfill its duty.

Quest for Knighthood
Compared to the rest of his life, this is, by far, the easiest aspect of it yet. Upon awakening from his comatose state, Akiyama was greeted by a group of people called the Rashmaal Royal Guard. Kaegin and Cailynn were then shooed from the room for they were no longer needed. Sad to see his friends go, Akiyama was able to force a friendly smile on his face as a way of saying thanks.

With the two men gone, Akiyama's attention fell on the Rashmaal Royal Guard. More specifically, protecting the young princess of Rashmaal. He embraced his duty with honor and promised he would never let the princess fall or fail.

Still, to this day, he still hates the fact that he was so easily taken in to serve as a knight for Her Majesty. It didn't seem fit. It was almost too easy and it left a bitter taste in his mouth. Nonetheless, Akiyama had become an official member of the Rashmaal Royal Guard. Serving for only two years, the young adult is still trying to understand his role in the grand scheme of things. He often wonders if there is more to being a knight than being hand-picked due to the ability to wield a sacred weapon. With his heart set on a quest for knighthood, Akiyama spent the first two years of his service proving his worth to the Queen. Although he is not the strongest member of the group, or even the fastest, or even the most beautiful, Akiyama likes to believe that he is just as important as his kin. His destiny, he believes, is up to him and he will carve it as he sees fit.
Theme Song xxx


Extras Akiyama has never once thought about the princess in a romantic way. Their age gap is too great for him. And besides, she's a princess. He's just a guardian. They can never end up together. Still, he's not overly fond of the princess marrying the Prince of Yuua. Akiyama feels that the princess could do better and secretly hopes that she can escape her arranged marriage.
Theme Song Confess My Love by Leah

▬▬▬▬▬ Hannibal Yestin Nancarrow • • • • •
▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ as played by Xavi

"Mom always told me that a man is measured by his actions. Too bad gold is worth more...."


Nickname Hannibal, Hanni, or Hann
Alias as Hooded Archer Halibal Hanvard, a mix of Hannibal and Halvard's names
Title Bounty Hunter

Age Thirty
Gender Male
Orientation Heterosexual
Hair Brunette with near-black roots with a light amount of stubble (facial hair)
Eyes Blue, though depending on lighting and the colors he wears, they can become tainted with shades of gray, green, or even teal
Build Mesomorph; broad shoulders, muscled arms and legs, narrow hips, minimum amount of fat. Excels in strength, agility, and speed due to medium structure and height. Easily able to gain muscle and strength due to metabolism.
Skin tone About as white as they come
Height 5-foot, 10-inches
Weight 165 pounds
Handed Right
Body markings On the inside of his right wrist is an "X" mark with an arrow tip. It symbolizes clan of hunters who are sworn to protect. Hannibal took up this tattoo when he joined a man by the name of Halvard Fylker on his quest to his kingdom from darkness and violence.
Scars He has a small scar right below his left armpit that he acquired thanks to Halvard Fylker. Best friends since their youth, the two went their separate ways after a scuffle that involved Hannibal taking an arrow to the rib cage. Thankfully, it was just a flesh wound, but it did leave a nice grazing mark.


Personality Hannibal is one of those guys that you either love or you hate. He's charming, suave, and popular. When he enters a room, people can't help but turn heads and stare. He's handsome and he knows it. He's rich and he shows it. Hannibal's silver tongue and smooth moves often cause women to swoon and men to roll their eyes. Men tend to hate him; women often love him. The way he walks shows off his arrogant grace, but in a way that almost makes him appear human. His smile can light up a room and his sad eyes can make strong men cry.

There is absolutely nothing shy and meek about Hannibal. Loud, rowdy, obnoxious. Center of attention, flirtatious, bad boy swagger. Yes, he has all those traits at his disposal. But aside from being a player, Hannibal is also very honest. Almost bluntly honest. He's also prone to being 'butt hurt' over things that involve trust and respect. If someone betrays him, Hannibal is the first to fall off the face of the earth and avoid you. He hates being let down and he hates getting hurt.

On the flipped side of the coin, Hannibal isn't the kind of guy to betray you. He'll always be there for you, whether you want him to be or not. His best friend is Halvard Fylker and he would die for the man. Hannibal has spotted Hal money and has gone out of his way to protect the guy. The bond between the boys is stronger than a friendship -- it's brotherhood. Hannibal is the kind of guy to cancel a date just for the sake of being there for a friend in need. He's a fierce friend and one hell of a guy, when he wants to be.

Although Hannibal isn't shy, he does have a bashful smile when he's around close friends or someone he's very interested in. He almost comes across humble and love-struck in such instances. He'll trip over his words and look like a fool when overwhelmed with emotions of love and joy.

Mortal Alignment Neutral -- Sometimes it's hard to stay neutrally good in a "man kills man" world.

Motivation Even though his mother has moved on, Hannibal still fells obligated to please her, more so now that Halvard sacrificed his life on Hannibal's behalf. Her standards of being a man differ from his but he's hoping that she's watching and smiling down on him. Hannibal wants nothing more than to make his mother smile and be proud of the man he's become; he wants to became that man on his own terms, with his own rules. With Hal gone, Hannibal has stepped in to take over his friend's role. Never again will someone die because someone didn't care.

Fear(s) Losing his best friend, Halvard. Not necessarily by death, either. Hannibal would be crushed if anything came between their friendship. If he thought losing his mother was bad, losing Halvard would be a million times worse as Hal has been with Hannibal since the beginning. Sadly, since Halvard's passing, little to nothing scares Hannibal anymore.

Likes Sexual activities, gold, red meat, gambling, drinking, and hanging with Halvard. Hannibal is all about having fun and doing such fun with good company.

Dislikes Losing, blood, and murder. He cannot stand losing a bet or money. Furthermore, he hates blood and murder. Witches aren't something that bother him, but the idea of a human dying pushes him right over the edge. The last time he saw a dead body he curled up into the fetal position and rocked himself into numbness for five hours.

  • Wealth. No matter what happens, Hannibal will always have money. Perks of having a rich ancestry. About five generations back worth of money is all within reach of Hannibal. This money allows him to have top-notch gear and weapons. It even allowed him to get his signature customized scythe.
  • Charismatic. Without a doubt, this is Hannibal's best strength. He can talk to anyone and almost everyone will fall in love with him. Even if you hate him at first, you'll probably walk away wanting to be the guy. He knows just what to say and, if he doesn't pull it off, he'll just laugh it off. He's very well-versed in the world of talking and pleasing.
  • Sexual deviant. There is no one better than Hannibal, or so he claims. He knows exactly how to please a woman and he can last for hours.

  • Spoiled. Probably one of his greatest weaknesses is that he had everything. He could have become anyone or anything, and instead he chose to screw around and goof off. He's bright, but not as smart as he should be for someone with private tutors. During his youth, he didn't believe in learning and often got out of it. Nowadays, he regrets his childish mistakes and wishes he had spent more time looking at books than breasts.
  • Emotionally driven. Some would argue that this is good, but it isn't. Hannibal is the first to break down and weep when things get too hard. He's easily frustrated at his lack of knowledge and handiness. He's all about the people and the relationship, which angers his employers. People think he's all about socializing and incapable of lifting a finger.
  • Showoff. When it comes down to it all, Hannibal is a showoff. He's flashy and flamboyant. He flaunts his looks and riches. Because he does this, opportunities escape him or he misses the boat. He's been known to fail a job for getting too involved with the women rather than the witches. Because of this, people say he's irresponsible and reckless. But in the end, they call him a showoff because they know he doesn't need the money he can earn from hunting witches.


Faith & Morals Religious has never been something Hannibal has followed. Does he believe that something watches him from above and keeps his mother and friend company? Sure, but he's not sure who it is. On occasion, he'll talk to the heavens and ask the clouds how his mother and friend are doing. Other than that, that's the extent of Hannibal's religious views. As far as morals go, he's never questioned things. He does what he likes and if it feels good, he'll do it even more. He indulges in money and lustful activities, but that's about it. He's fiercely loyal when it comes down to it. He's very accepting and open, not judging people for their past or present. Hannibal believes in redemption and second chances. The hunter is also very familiar with heartache and betrayal, but knows that man can be corrupt and irrational. He's also willing to give someone another try and often looks for the good in people. He would rather spend money on a dying philanthropist job than gamble it away for rich thugs. Sure, he keeps a lot of his riches, but Hannibal has supported over a dozen soup kitchens and children's homes. His mother was all about not for profit work and Hannibal has picked up her kind habits.
Virtues Some might say Hannibal is temperance in his ways. He knows restraint and when to pull back from jobs. He's wary of his actions, especially after turning over a new leaf. Persistent beyond belief, Hannibal refuses to back down or quit. Why, not even death can stop him from fulfilling his dreams and wishes. He will succeed in pleasing his mother and Halvard. He won't take his dying breath until he does. Alongside that, Hannibal is rather kind and enjoys friendship. He trusts without prejudice, unless he is betrayed. Even so, he does give people second chances, hoping that they won't hurt him again. Because of this, Hannibal has become quite a patient man. Yes, he has his reckless, spur-of-the-moment antics, but for the most part, he is pretty calm. He would prefer to find a peaceful solution than seek out violence. Forgive and forget means more to him than full-on vengeance.
Sins Greed is, without a doubt, Hannibal's biggest downfall. He's a rich kid who lusts for even more gold than he already has. Ideally, he wants to build a castle out of gold and he will take on any job, crazy as it might seem, to continue earning riches and jewels. Another sin on Hannibal's list is his lust for all creatures with breasts, assuming they have a pretty face and can hold a decent conversation. Wrath isn't really his style, as Hannibal shuts down around hateful conflict. He isn't envious either, especially after Halvard's death. He used to be a jealous man, but when his friend gave himself up to spare Hannibal's life, Hannibal decided it was time to change. Hannibal is a tad prideful, but he's far from having sloth-traits. He's motivated and willing. By no means is he gluttonous.


Head/Neck When Hannibal is just being himself, he doesn't like to wear anything on his head or neck. Only when he's being the Archer will he wear a hood to mask his face. He also wears a mask over his eyes to further hide his identity.
Chest/Back Hannibal wears a cropped shirt of chain-mail atop a simple black cotton shirt. Essentially, he wants to protect his heart should someone ever try to stab him there, hence the chain-mail. Over the chain-mail he wears a simple black and purple cotton shirt with a lace-up collar. Hannibal owns a black leather jacket that he sometimes wears if it's cold or raining. Strapped across his back is the sheath for his scythe. It is made of black and brown leather with golden clasps. The sheath for the scythe is a reddish-brown leather holster with purple roses along the edges. All of this sums up his usual look. He only dons the black sleeveless leather vest with a hood and cloak when he needs to change his identity. On the back of the vest and cloak are a giant purple insignia of the Fylker family crest, a rose woven around a cross. The insignia was hand-stitched on and the threads uses fade from deep purple to lighter tints of violet. The cross part of the crest is made of silvery-purple string and it shimmers if the light hits is just right. Picking up Halvard's bow, Hannibal has modified the bow to collapse so that he can keep it in a sheath that matches the one his scythe is carried in.
Arms/Legs Black leather gauntlet with silver knuckles over a pair of black cotton gloves. A chain-mail wrist brace ensures his wrists don't snap out of place while he's out hunting. A reddish-brown leather belt with a golden clasp that keeps his drawers up. He also wears a purple scarf around his hips to keep his stomach warm and to give it another layer of protection. His pants are tightly woven cotton (jeans) of blackish purple. Around his legs are purple cotton braces that keep his knees from getting screwed up from all his running. With the extra weight on his person, Hannibal took extra precautions with his body. Knee-high leather boots of black protect his feet. Tipped with a metallic silver plate, he can have something get dropped on his toes without them being crushed. The shoes are also waterproof thanks to blubber and fat.


Weapon 1 Traditional Recurve Bow and its quiver of 24 arrows. Sleek and functional, Hal's old bow is capable of being used in hand-to-hand combat, as the bow is made of durable materials. The bow is blackish silver with silver edges that he detailed himself. Each of his arrows are custom-made and painted black with forest green fletchings. The bow has been modified so it is now capable of being collapsed.
Weapon 2 Flechettes and holster gauntlet, both of which belonged to Halvard. There are standard flechettes as well as tranquilizing flechettes.
Weapon 3 Collapsible scythe. Hannibal custom ordered/modified this scythe to suit his needs. In its collapsed form, it is about two feet long and can be sheathed in a 6-inch x 4-inch leather case. When he tugs it from its holster, the blade is nicely tucked into the handle of the scythe. Grasping the handle and giving it a good flick will release the mechanism that will extend the blade from the shaft. From there, Hannibal can yank the handle and extend the scythe to three different lengths of 2-feet, 4-feet, or 6-feet. His scythe is also able to be disassembled. He can remove the curved blade and use as a boomerang or blade. The handle, having a spear-tip, can be used as either a spear or a pole.


Rating System
[Perfect] - [Excellent] - [Above Average] - [Average] - [Below Average] - [Poor] - [Terrible] - [No Skill]

Hand-to-hand [Average] -- He can certainly handle his own if he ever had to fist fight someone.
Melee [Perfect] -- Hannibal is an expert when it comes to disorganized close-ranged fighting. He specializes in not having a plan of attack and making things up as he goes.
Ranged [Excellent] -- Thanks to his scythe's ability to fire blades, he can shoot things from afar. He also has his lasso-whip, which extends his range. In addition to that, Hannibal is a pretty decent knife thrower. Since Halvard's death, Hannibal also took up wielding his friend's bow. Although he's not perfect, he is pretty damn good.
Magic [Average] -- Seeing as he deals with witches and other odd tasks, he does have some skill fighting them. Sadly, he has no magical powers himself so all his attacks are purely human in nature.
Mounted [Excellent] -- Although he lost his old horse about five years ago, Hannibal has taken a liking to his new partner, Bedivere. Prior to Bedivere, he was losing horses all the time. Then, one day, he found a beautiful mustang in the fog and decided he just had to have it. After trying for two weeks to woo the horse, he eventually gave up. Three months later, when he was trying to flee, the horse came to his aid. The two have been inseparable since the.


Kingdom Affiliation Nibaru. There are a ton of different people in the kingdom (think 27 million), but the kingdom's territory is small. Meaning, everyone lives atop one another. Poverty and corruption runs deep in the kingdom. There's no middle class; you're either rich or you're poor. The city is overrun by monopolies and the lower class is taxed heavily, whereas the rich hardly pay a dime's worth in taxes. The kingdom is run by a board of men; 12 in total. Each one owns a different fraction of the nation and governs it as they see fit. All 12 governing counties are very similar, for the most part. A few are less corrupt and have a very bleak middle class that is trying to survive.
Marital Status Single
Occupation Bounty hunter (ranger); previously a witch hunter
History Sometimes it is hard to really go backwards when there is much pain, suffering, and lost in the history that now defines that man you’ve become today. Though still bound by lust, greed, and riches, Hannibal has come a long way since he was a young adult. He know fights for what his good friend Halvard fought for – for peace, justice, freedom, and truth. Sure, monetary compensation plays a vital role in his willingness to take a job, but Hannibal has really reformed. He is no longer in it solely for himself. Rather, he now sees things with a wider lens. He understands that his actions, though seemingly meaningless, might be the grain that tips a scale.

Hailing from the nation called Nibaru, a crowded but proud and high-producing nation, Hannibal learn how to be acclimated into the fast zone at a young age. People lived atop one another and everything was about time and how time was money. People were driven by their pursuit of wealth, as wealth determined success and a luxurious lifestyle. Having come from probably two of the most influential people of Nibaru, Hannibal’s childhood was everything one could ever dream of.

Arthur Cai Nancarrow married his beloved Elaine Angharat Kay when both were only twenty and eighteen years of age, respectively. The two were destined for greatness – or so the world believed. Sure enough, the two started to grow into their famous roles. Arthur moved up in the chain of command in politics until he eventually made it to the very top. He was dubbed the right-hand man to the governing leader. More or less in bed with the leader of the Nikar-Nibaru, the central sect of the twelve united cities under the Nibaru empire, Arthur eventually was elected to governor.

Meanwhile, Elaine sought a more philanthropic role. She sought to save the poor and so she developed her own infirmary and safe house for those that had nothing. Her clinic was free to those who made little to no money. She was well-loved and well-respected, which did wonders for her husband’s career. With Arthur being very surly and strategic, Elaine came across sweet and gentle. She truly was his softer side.

The night Arthur finally made it to the top, he and his wife found love in each other’s arms. 9-months later, their little boy, Hannibal, was born. Their pride and joy, the two promised that they would continue to bring Nikar the changes it needed. They were working on removing the poor and creating a middle-class. It would be a long and hard struggle, but they had the heart and resources to do it. Arthur came from wealth, oh so much wealth, as did Elaine.

Little Hannibal, though a handful, was to receive strict schooling so that he would have the brains, the power, and the capability of following in his parent’s footsteps. Only, Hannibal seemed to have issues with his schooling. He was rebellious and crying out. Constantly causing trouble and forcing tutors to leave in both rage and upset. Concerned for their child, they sought to throw Hannibal into the public school system, hoping that the contact with others would ‘break him.’ Sure enough, it did. And it came in the form of a boy by the name of Halvard Fylker.

Halvard and Hannibal were inseparable. The two literally did everything together. They even spent a great many hours at each other’s house. Thankfully, the Fylker family also came from riches so the two had much in common. And, to sweeten the deal, Arthur and Halvard’s parents were good friends. This only made the two families very proud that their little boys found each other.

As time progressed, and they grew, it became apparent which of the two had the brains and which had the brawn, or rather, the charm. Hannibal has his father’s suave tongue. He could say anything and get himself out of any and all trouble. He could talk the talk and walk the walk. He was a brilliant man when it came to making friends and stopping enemies. Halvard, on the other hand, started to develop quite the brain and the muscle to back him up. Of course, Halvard wasn’t about to let his friend fall behind, so he coached and trained Hannibal so that they might, one day, open a business together or be partners.

It was probably around Hannibal’s sixteenth birthday where darkness and the harsh reality of life really crippled Hannibal. A wonderful liquor-filled party was underway and, to make it perfect, Elaine decided to go out to the downtown market to buy her son the perfect cake. Arthur pleaded her not to go, but the woman refused to listen. She said that nothing brought more joy to her life than seeing Hannibal happy and this cake was what he wanted most. Gathering up her stuff, she left.

And she never returned.

It was all over the news. Everyone knew what happened and they saw how it destroyed the Nancarrow family. Arthur immediately pulled himself out of politics and locked himself in his laboratory. He never emerged and he stopped interacting with his son. At some point, Hannibal dared to venture into the lab and only discovered that his father had left.

Alone, Hannibal reached out to the only person left in his life – Halvard.

However, Halvard was on his way of going into an apprenticeship for guarding and hunting. Unable to convince his friend to stay, Hannibal lived alone in his father’s castle. He tried to go to school but found the faces too unbearable.

And then, when he turned 18, everything changed.

The sorrow was finally gone from his heart and he decided to really live. He got drunk. He got high. He got reckless. He tossed his potential right out the door. He played around. He fooled around. He got in trouble. He was kicked from clubs. He was banned from bars. And, within 6-months, he was thrown from Nikar.

Alone and on his own, Hannibal moved into one of the nearby Nibaru nations, New Sinbart, and opened up his own pub. He enjoyed the influx of wealth and ladies he received. It was fantastic. Absolutely perfect! Only, that only served his nightlife. So, to keep himself busy during the day, Hannibal sought out an apprenticeship. It was hard to find someone who would take him, but he eventually happened across an anthropomorphic witch hunter. Having grown up in Nibaru, Hannibal was used to all kinds of life, creed, and preferences. He cared not for the fur of his new master, but for what the man could teach him.

From 18-and-a-half until the age of 21, all Hannibal did was scout the forests and learn how to use various weapons. Ultimately, he opted for a scythe as he found its range and grace to be ideal for cleaving off the heads of witches.

In no time, he started to build up his fame and, with fame, came fortune. Hannibal was greedy in this regard, only taking jobs that paid him. He worked alone, which made him worth even more, as most hunters worked in groups. Hannibal, having learned from a grand witch hunter, had perfected his skills. He could smell better than the average human. He could hear better than the average human. And he could see better than the average human. Those were just some of the perks that came with studying under an anthro-hunter. In order to survive, he had to learn how to really hone and use his senses to his own benefit. The man he trained under, Mr. Hofmeister, was preparing for retirement and wanted a young and capable man to replace him. However, after soon learning about Hannibal’s lust for money, Hofmeister died with a grimace on his face and the unkind words of, “Greedy bastard.”

From 21 until 26, all Hannibal did was reap the benefits of being a top-notch witch hunter. His wealth grew and grew, as did his reputation of being a playboy. Then, just before his 27th birthday, Hannibal crossed paths with someone from his past – his father.

The two caught up and although Hannibal was furious at him after leaving him, he was thrilled his family was still alive. His father had left Nibaru and was now living in Sanctum, a nation known for its inventions and alchemy. Arthur asked his son to rejoin him in his new castle and take up learning again, but Hannibal refused. He claimed that he found his gold and he wasn’t going to leave it. Saddened to hear his son had no interest in in the Nancarrow name, he left his son with some harsh, but truth last words before breaking all ties with his son.

For a whole year, Hannibal closed himself off from the world. And the world grew dark around him. Witches rose up and destroyed all he fought to protect. Those he once saved were lost to the cursed beasts. Why, even Hannibal gave up. He threw his life away and just wanted to end it all. Hearing how upset his mother was at who he had become had crushed Hannibal. And, in his weakened state of misery, a witch stalked him and took advantage of him.

He should have died, only something – someone – saved him that night. His father. Though still broken by his son’s lack of responsibility and duty, Arthur couldn’t lose his only son. Wielding his own sword, Arthur mowed down the wave of witches that tried to consume Hannibal. Slowly but surely, Arthur came out on top. Exhausted and covered in blood, sweat, and toil, Arthur collapsed. Upon seeing his father like his, Hannibal found his courage and strength. Scooping the man up, he rushed him to the nearest city. Only, it was a city he had stripped dry of riches due to his greed. They turned him away and his father died in his arms. Or at least he should have. Thankfully, an angel from his past found him and helped pull the broken man from his state of despair.

“Hannibal, your father is safe and well now. He will never be able to see again, but at least he is alive.”

The words taunted him, but Halvard never left his side. Hannibal begged his friend to help him redeem himself, to help him right his wrongs. Halvard, though not wanting to give up his ranger life, accepted and took up witch hunting.

They were unstoppable. They were the best of the best. And they killed without charge. It was all ‘pro bono’ for all of Hannibal’s sins of the past. It took about a year, putting him now at 28, to undo all his damage.

It was time the two go their own ways again. It was time they both fulfill their own life’s wishes. Hoping to redeem himself still, Hannibal decided to pledge his life to his mother. His mother worked for the poor and asked for nothing. He wanted to do the same. Well, he would still receive monetary rewards for his labors, but he wouldn’t be as greedy and ask for more than necessary to survive.

It took some getting used to, but within a year (now 29), Hannibal had perfected his art yet again. All was going well and he was doing a marvelous job keeping the land safe. He protected Nibaru to Rashmaal to Sanctum. It was large area, but it was what he needed to do to keep himself busy.

One day, while out hunting, a rider came up to him with a letter. It was from Halvard and it was a request. His friend, a range – the spirit and protector of Nibaru, needed his help? It seemed odd but he couldn’t avoid the note. Riding back to his homeland, Hannibal made excellent timing. Upon arriving, his jaw dropped. Nikar-Nibaru was gone. It was nothing but a pile of ash and waste. Griping his scythe, he moved across the flattened land and tried to seek the truth of what happened here.

Eerie silence surrounded him and Hannibal felt numb. That was until he heard a faint cough. Turning his horse around, he raced to the faint noise. Digging away the debris, he found the charred face of Halvard.

“Hally, what happen?” His words trembled with fear.

“Hann, brother, Nibaru has fallen.”

With his friend’s life fading, he pushed his horse as fast and far as he could. Arriving in Sanctum, his friend was able to get the medical attention he needed. It took about 3-month to heal, but now that he was better, Halvard was ready to talk.

“We were betrayed. The counsel, the twelve rulers, they turned on us. They forged an alliance with another nation, a nation I know not of, and, in the night, the leveled Nibaru.”

Filled with much rage, Hannibal swore that he would fight tooth and nail until they found the truth. The men rode out in search for answers and that’s when Hannibal finally lost the last bit of his sanity.

They were trekking across a razed field. The scent of fresh smoke still lingered in the air. Shifting off their mounts, the men took to the ground and hoped to ambush whoever laid in their wake. Only, when they did this, they were met with a grand army. An army whose colors weren’t visible. Outnumbered and out-skilled the boys retreated.

Halvard knew that there was no way they could both escape and live. One of them needed to fall to save the other. With tears in his eyes, he screamed to his life-long friend, “Never stop searching for the truth for the darkness hides secrets and lies. Find the light and find the truth.” Turning around on his heel, the ranger readied his bow and tried to slow the assault.

No matter how much he screamed, Hannibal couldn’t turn back. His horse refused to let him off. It just ran and ran until they were enveloped in the fog that veiled the forest. Broken, Hannibal decided he would end it all. No longer would he hunt witches, instead he would hunt the truth. He heard rumors of a group of bounty hunters who fought to keep darkness at bay. Setting out to find that band of rogues, he didn’t rest until he came upon them.

When he did finally meet these men, he told them his story. He explained his suffering, his pain. They didn’t want him, but he refused to leave. He passed all their tests. He knew all their secrets. He had the strength and the means. But they didn’t want him. So he made them want him. He made them need him. And, in time, they accepted him and branded him with their mark. They also bestowed his new weapon upon him.

“You claim that you loved this man like a brother. Brother Fylker was a brother to all of us and he spoke often of you. We believe it is only right that you proudly wield his bow.”

The bow felt odd in his hands, but in a good way. All his emotions, all his fears – they vanished. From here on out, he would dress and fight like Halvard, Nibaru’s Ghost Guardian Ranger. He would protect the weak, he would fight for the righteous, and he would seek the truth and avoid the darkness.

For the past three years now, Hannibal has done as such. He has fought. He had protected. And he has saved. Now, three years after Halvard’s death, a message comes to him. It has the royal Rashmaal seal on it. Piqued, he opens it and discovers that the Kiyomo, the Princess of Rashmaal, is gone. Halvard’s mission, as assigned by the king, is to find his daughter and protect her.

Riding on Rashmaal, Hannibal enters the kingdom late at night. He seems out the king and graciously accepts the job.

“King of Rashmaal, I come to you with bad news. Halvard Fylker has fallen but I, Hannibal Nancarrow , shall take his place.” Whirling around, Hannibal shows off the purple rose insignia on his uniform. It’s the Fylker family crest. “Halvard, though not brothers by blood, was my brother by love, choice, and right. To honor his memory, I protect, serve, and fight in his name.”


Extras Loves the color purple and has been hit on by men because of it. Even though Hannibal is straight, he doesn't mind the attention he gets from his own gender. In fact, he'll be the first to blush from such things and will actually thank the giver of such flattery before declining the gesture.
Theme Song Thieves by Sndclsh and Echo by Jason Walker

Last edited by Xavirne; 06-05-2014 at 02:12 PM..