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Seer Of the Future
Live Breathe Art
Seer Of the Future is offline
Old 05-30-2014, 04:31 PM

Eve had been forced to jump back by the swipe of Chiasa. A bright smile was brought to her lips as she heard Anna. She chuckled and bowed to their teacher. She was breathing quite heavily herself. Though she could safely say her partner had taken the brunt of the blows. She still moved extremely fast and had fought as well as she could. Approaching her partner, she smiled and offered her hand. "I wouldn't say its a fat ass, no, just hard to run and breathe at the same time." the archer joked and pulled her partner up to her feet when she took her hand. Chuckling she then pushed the button to retract her blades on her bow and put it in her quiver. It was nice to fight like that, it let out pent up feelings of annoyance, and anger. Things that were very dangerous if left to fester inside her heart.

Walking beside her aquaintence they moved to let the next group of people fight. It was nice to see another who liked shooting a bow. It was something they could relate to with each other. Sighing softly as she got a hold of her breathing, it was nice that she couldn't fell the terrible sickness that would have hit her by now without taking her pills back in her body. It was a really nice perk honestly. It almost made her want to stay here forever. "So how did you learn to shoot?" she asked lightly, glancing over to the red head. How fun would it be to train together more? To have someone to shoot with? She had lost all those previous friend because they thought she would die to the cancer.... It made her hopeful that she could once again do something she loved with people.