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Sezumie is offline
Old 06-03-2014, 01:29 AM

Megumi smiled at the redhead, "Oh it's alright, I'm sure there are reasons." Arty wasn't the monster she seemed to be before, but it was best to be careful with handling her. Megumi sighed, "Ah did you make that Arty-san? It's very well made, and smart!" She wanted to speak with the redhead more, but she saw Chiasa pointing at her and a male not too far off. She stiffened immediately, Oh no.... I'm going to die. She thought. She got up slowly, dusting off the bottom of her dress and checking herself before she looked at Arty, "I guess it's my turn... I'll chat with you after this? If I don't get killed trying to wave around these things." She gestured to the machetes on the back of her waist.

She walked a bit from the fire, closer to Chiasa. "Um...I don't have a true skill with these." She took out both machetes from behind her, it was slightly harder to hold it on her left hand. She waved them a bit, "I've only used these on plants and some animals, so pardon my clumsy display."

She felt eyes on her, and turned to see the person she would be with, (Lucas) Megumi couldn't recall the males name, but for now she would have to stay a little out of his way in the fight. "I'm not a fighter sir, but I'll try my best to be the backup. Though I sadly say I have no true physique for such things." All bark and no bite, Megumi had never lifted a finger against a person in her life, she never thought violence was necessary. Although she had learned a bit about pressure points while she was studying, he never used any of these skills practically.