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SUPERKICKS is offline
Old 06-10-2014, 02:36 PM

"Your logs are very troubling, Alison..." The Asian male spoke, looking through her journals, "Your anger management has not subsided as I thought it would and you mention that you haven't been sleeping due to nightmare... Nightmares about Jack."

Alison shifted in her seat and turned her head to the side to stare out the brightness of the window. She didn't speak. She didn't say anything. There were no excuses for how she had been acting or how awful her mental state was. The male behind the desk, Dr. Benson, sighed and closed over a few of the journals, placing them across the desk for her to take back. She looked at them for a minute before slowly grabbing them and shoving them back in her bag.

"They've been helping..." She muttered, "I don't let out my anger too much in public anymore because I let it out in there. And... it helps me. That's all..."

Dr. Benson nodded lightly and stared at his charts for a moment, "That's good... That's very good. Continue with them, then." He stood to his feet and went into one of the cabinets, pulling out a small bottle of pills. "I want you to start taking these sleeping pills at night. They'll help you sleep soundly, okay?" He held them out to her.

Alison looked up at him and grimaced. "Great. Drugs to help me do what my body's supposed to do naturally," She said, "Thanks, Benson..."

Dr. Benson nodded lightly and sat back down, "I also want you to go to an anger management group. It's every Thursday at 12pm. Okay?"

"Fine! Can I go now?"

Dr. Benson sighed and nodded lightly, leaning back in his chair. Alison stood to her feet, clutching her bag to her chest. She felt gross. She hated needing help like this. She hated needing drugs. She hated needing anything. It reminded her how unprepared she was to "get back out there." It reminded her that no one would want to be with such an unstable woman like herself. She cursed to herself as she shamefully walked through the police office. A few of her co-workers watched her with worried expressions. She kept her eyes to the floor.

The day went by without much commotion. She had gone back to the gym right after the session to let her aggression and later, she sat in her apartment watching television shows on netflix. When she felt it was dark enough, she decided to head to another bar. (Since she was kicked out of the last one.) She pulled on a pair of dark jeans, a colorful tank, and a pair of combat boots. As she walked through the darkened streets, she stopped as two men scrambled out of the alleyway in front of her.

Alison's hand went to her side, before realizing there was no gun on it. She grumbled as they ran off in a direction opposite hers, and then looked down the ally way. Long purple hair was immediately recognizable. She stood as he walked away, biting her lip. Should she really? She cursed at herself but ran down the ally way and forced a smile to her lips.

"Hey! Hey!" She said, catching up to him, "I didn't get your name earlier today... kind ran out. I had an appointment to keep. What're you doing out here at this time of night... beating up thugs?" She chuckled lightly, looking back to the ally entrance before returning her gaze to him. "You, uh... You want to go to the bar with me? Grab a couple of drinks?"