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Kiyoto is offline
Old 06-11-2014, 05:07 PM

She seemed to like the other female. He found himself smiling lightly at her as well. The girl seemed to need a bit more time to prepare herself. So, he would give her that time if need be. He would not force her to take a rushing start into anything. "My name is Lucas...Lucas Leon" he said, stating his name as she had asked. He knew she was lighter on her feet, as well as capable. There was no need to really waste time holding back, but he would not go all out on her at this point. It was merely training. He was curious however, so he allowed his hand to slip back to the blade at his back. The first thing about any fight, was to go into it smart. Guage your enemy, see what they could do.

Not to rush in foolishly swinging and exhausting yourself right away. He kept his eyes on her, pushing off with his right foot. He was fast, moving to a head on attack first. It was bold, but merely more of a formality. He was comfortable with the blade within his hand, and most of the attack was more of an extention of him. He was used to wooden swords, and real blades as well. He brought the blade down, in an attack he was sure she would be able to block relatively easily. As soon as it would make contact with her block, his body would turn to the right, following up with an attack to her right. He was guadging her a bit, but that did not mean he was taking this lightly. The front would always be more of the easiest to block and see coming.

But some had blind spots on their sides or behind them. He was testing this with her. His stance was firm, keeping his body and core strong as to not have himself easily pushed back, but not so tense that he was risking other problems as well. He put enough weight within his strikes to show there was certainly power behind them, but not enough to do to much full on damage at this point. He was thinking logically, while his body moved through the motions as usual. The girl could slip in any time she needed to, or whenever she felt comfortably. He was quite use to getting into a flow of working with others, he would watch her while keeping an eye on his own move and backing up hers as well. His eyes caught this woman's he was currently engaged with however.

He was silent, for there was no need to speak at all. He knew she did not want to be here, and would have been happy getting it over with as the pair of them were as well. So no messing around, they would get to the point.