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Kilia is offline
Old 06-11-2014, 10:32 PM

Bright blue eyes looked out over the forest, seeing without seeing, there was clear that there was something wrong with them for the fact you could not see a pupil at all. The eyes were attached to a female who looked pale in the moonlight, she was sitting high enough up the mountain that she could look over the tree tops. Clouds slowly moved across the face of the moon, causing things to go completely dark before it completely passed. Light, slowly struck the earth once more, bathing everything in it before going dark once more.

Let's take a look through the dirty blond's eyes.

It was the same scene as before. The night sky, the forest below, though the difference in this was that she was with in the forest. Looking at a scene unfolding before her. Two centaurs patrolling the forests like they always do, but they had split up this time. Her eyes followed one only to cause her to gasp in slightly horror, tears streaming down her face as she saw someone come out of no where to attack the mythical creature.

She did not know who the attacker was or was attacked, the only thing she knew was that it was a centaur and a person that wasn't well a centaur.

The female blinked her eyes a few times, looking out over the forest once more. All was calm and normal, she wiped the tears from her face as she hugged her knees to her self. The breeze felt nice on her face but her mind kept wandering back to her vision that she had just had, it was not a good sign. Worry was written on her face as her eyes scanned the woods, she could smell the food that seemed to always be cooking in her home, regardless of the hour.

It was late, was there anything she could do to prevent what she saw happening. Probably not but she had to try. She took a deep breathe before she ran as fast as she could into the forest, searching for any sign of what she saw. Though sadly she was lost, as she often got when she was going some place with out actually thinking of where she was at. Her eyes grew wide in shock and confusion, completely forgetting what she doing there in the first place.

"Oh dear....if Nia could see me now." she mumbled to her self as she looked around, sighing heavily before she settled in nook of a tree to get some sleep. She knew that it easier to make things out in the daylight, she just hoped that she would be able to figure out just were she was. She could smell the faint smell of food cooking but she couldn't figure out which way it was coming from. It did not take her long to fall a sleep against a tree with the faint comfort smell of a home cooked meal.

the next day

She woke up with a start, it was far to quit in the forest. The hair on the back of her neck stood up and a feeling of dread over took her. She started to hyperventilating as she began to look around her, she was freaking out on the inside, knowing something horrible happened. She ran through the forest, her bare feet pounding the grass beneath them before she came to a stop.

She gave a sigh of relief as her eyes landed on a familiar centaur, then a worried look came across her as she looked around the area, biting her lip as she fidgeted in thought. "What happened?" she asked softly, not moving forwards as she tried to hold back the obvious tears in her eyes. Considering the Centaur knew her, he could tell that she was more distraught over this then at first glance, it was also clear that she had vision that she just now remembered.

Last edited by Kilia; 06-12-2014 at 05:14 AM..