Thread: Fortunes Untold
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Shadami is offline
Old 06-12-2014, 11:35 PM

Fortunes with Shadami
For the following styles, you may pick only one choice, per user, per day.
Please no mules as this would still be reading for the same person and would confuse the spirits.
Choose your question wisely, than pick the style you would like.
Tarot Cards - Animal Dream Oracle Cards - Runes
Trio Spread to reveal the past, present, and future of your question

Single Pull that will tell what most controls your questions outcome.
Tarot Cards may have a full cross reading done.

HTML Code:
[SIZE="5"] [COLOR="Blue"]"Shadami, what do the spirits say for me today?" [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
[b]Question: [/b][what is your quest(ion)]
[b]Spirit: [/b][tarot, animal, Rune]
[b]Style: [/b][full tarot, trio, single]

The exception to have two readings done in one day is to "pull your morning card"
Fill out the following form, and I will tell you what to look for throughout the day.
This means once a day.

HTML Code:
[SIZE="5"] [COLOR="Blue"]"What does today hold for me?" [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[b]Spirit: [/b] [tarot, animal, Rune]

Last edited by Shadami; 06-12-2014 at 11:56 PM..