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Ghost Caracal
sadrain is offline
Old 06-13-2014, 10:23 PM

If there was anyone with two sides of coin to them, then it was Billy, in Mikheil's opinion. Of course Artifex and Megumi displayed big changes to their personalities in short time as well, but especially the smaller woman didn't manage to shock him as much as their counselor. One moment he was being slightly nerdy and amusing, the next he was bitterly serious and worried, then became completely... Croat paused in his thought track, trying to find the word 'chauvinistic', although he wasn't sure it had the exact meaning that fitted Mr. Lawyer.

And what was worse, it seemed freckled man knew perfectly which side to show when, so he easily swept women off their feet with a good joke, handsome smile and just the right amount of confidence, keeping all the ugly bits under the carpet. Mikheil sighed and his eyes, too, traveled to the pair that had been fighting. Of course, Anna was brilliant, but Eve was extremely skilled as well. But his eyes were glued to the blonde, the way she drew bow and fired... Focus, he reminded himself and decided to address Billy's questions as they began heading back.

"I don't think he's gonna make us mad... I guess we just gotta be careful to not make our brain pot think we've died and we should keep all our gears when we return," he tried to reassure the other man, sounding more sure than he was. "What about talking it over with Suzanna? She's the other counselor, after all, and not without reason, I would think. Or maybe Anna or Eve? They both seem sensible, when approached with... tact," Mikheil paused before last word. Honestly, he felt a bit like a jerk not naming all of the girls, but Constance seemed too random and could make a scene, Megumi had language and possibly shyness issues and Artifex would probably take it personally or even avoid talking with them.

By now, they had reached cabin and few moments later, men dropped firewood next to their 'kitchen' and he rubbed back of his neck apologetically."Sorry, it's not very dry, but will have to do for now," he told Lucas and Suzanna. She smiled at the pair and thanked, as she had thanked Coops. After asking Rain and Takumi to help red head, she had returned to the fire, hoping to pick up the conversation where it had been left off, but with return of 'lumberjacks', it didn't happen. Maybe it was better that way. No need to dig up her personal issues and emotions which it certainly would have.

Moments later, Megumi and Lucas were called to 'battlefield' and she mentally groaned, but gave them thumbs up and some encouraging words. So she was to be paired up with Billy. Her eyes flickered up to him for brief moment, eyebrows slightly furrowed in thought and then she looked back at the fish, still feeling awkward about the recent incident with blaster. Honestly, she had hoped Chaiasa would stick to same-gender pairs till the end and had looked forward to working in team with even smaller girl, but apparently, their teacher had decided that she had to back-up their 'leader' in battle as well. Well, maybe she was just over-thinking it. Yeah, probably.

Moment later, Anna and Eve joined them and immediately brought up a much bigger issue. The trio she had sent to forest hadn't returned. Woman could feel blood draining from her face as she sprung to her feet. Thankfully, she was from the pale sort, so maybe it wouldn't be too noticeable. "I thought, the three of them would be enough if they didn't go too far in and didn't make lot of noise. After all, three went to gather wood and that's not exactly silent task..." she tried to explain. "Should a bigger group go looking for them?" she asked to no one in particular, while her hands automatically helped Eve with moving fish. The other archer and counselor seemed to be too wrapped up in joking that seemed more like flirting than anything. Not that she knew much about these things.

Meanwhile, Mikheil felt completely out of place. When the blonde touched Billy, he had knelt down to help with moving fish, but they seemed to be handling it perfectly and so he stood up awkwardly staring ahead. Completely missing the wink, he just pulled head in shoulders again at her commentary. "Don't worry about me," man said quietly, but dismissively. He had no idea what she was talking about after that and it seemed like she had a compliment for everyone, although it did tickle his confidence that she had called his face handsome. It was more important than butt, wasn't it? When Billy repeated Suzanna's suggestion, he perked up some again, though. "I can go look for them," he offered, but got scowled at by Suzanna and shrunk back.

"Not alone. I would go and rally some others, but I am not sure how Chaiasa would take me or Billy running off before our training. I can still help form a search party, though," she offered, hoping to amend her mistake for letting the trio frolic off on their own. She looked at Coops, to see if he had any input or idea, since he had been kind of quiet in a sense for a while now.

Last edited by sadrain; 06-13-2014 at 10:27 PM..