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Stalker Ninja
PrincessKasumi is offline
Old 06-15-2014, 06:55 PM

Rain didn't know how long he was looking for Constance an Takumi, he just knew he had to find them soon. There was no telling what might happen to each of them in these forest. One of those... things might show up or something throwing knives at him again. He did not like that one bit. In the middle of his thoughts, and obviously oblivious to the invisible Constance, he find himself tangled up with her.

"You're heavy"

That voice is what queued him in on who it was but where were they? Rain looked around. What DID he collide with anyway? He looked beneath him when the same voice from before called him a slow poke. Dumbfounded he stayed ontop of Constance, and moved only when she mentioned she couldn't breath. But before he moved he noticed he was on something soft and squishy. It took him a moment before he realized what it was. With a lightly blushed face, Rain quickly jumped up and offered out a hand. "Didn't see you there, sorry. Where have you been, I've been looking for you and Takumi."