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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 06-16-2014, 11:58 PM

Red had lunged, the thrill of the kill shinning in his eyes. Wild eyes. The eyes of a crazed beast that only enjoyed killing. Then that sound, the sound he hated rang in the air, and instantly searing pain. That sound again and more pain, then again and yet more pain. The vargulf had staggered to a stop, eyes wide, still wild. The pain, it was worse than any pain he had ever felt from a gun before. One bullet had been high, hitting him in the chest, but missing his heart. The second one had been a bit to the side, only inches from the first, and the third had somehow missed completely.

The vargulf whimpered, whined even, sounding more canine than human. The woman turned and fled, Red wanted to chase her, but that pain. He dropped to his knees, hands moving to prod at the bullets in his body, and those eyes, questioning turned to Bell. The vampire uttered a single word and bolted after the woman.

Bell's lips had parted, to tell Red to 'heel'. It would have worked too, the vargulf would have listened to Bell, but the gun was faster than his word, and the sound died in his throat. Eyes widening in momentary fear, as two of the three shots hit his pet in the chest. Still it only took him a moment to see that they had missed the heart, Red would most likely survive this. The woman was fleeing and Red was on his knees and there was a very angry expression on Bell's face.

"Stay." That single word was uttered to the vargulf, Bell didn't want him to get hurt again, or to do something reckless again. Lunging at that woman without a command from Bell had been very reckless, very stupid. The vampire bolted, ignoring the other man in the castle, his attention only on the woman that was fleeing from his rather. The sound of silver bells, only heard by the supernatural creatures filled the air as Bell moved. He was glad the woman was human, humans couldn't hear that sound. She wouldn't know if he was right behind her until it was too late.

Bell caught up to her rather easily, and he tackled her to the floor. Pinning her down with his body and his hands catching her wrists. He was nothing but pure fury now. "You bitch!" Bell was beyond furious, his grip on her wrists was tight enough to leave bruises. "You're lucky you didn't kill him, or I swear I would make you live in agony for the rest of your short, miserable, human life." Bell's fangs were clearly exposed, and the look in his eyes was extremely murderous.

He was going to kill her. He was going to suck her life right out of her veins. Slowly he lowered his mouth towards her neck.